Event Pan/Crap Smoothness Set to 0

Jim H wrote on 5/30/2006, 8:27 PM
The default setting of "1" for smoothness is becoming one of my biggest peeves with Vegas. I can't tell you how many times I forget to set it to 0 only to have to go back and reset every keyframe after I notice that black edge creeping in on tight moves. I thought I read in an old post that there is no way to change this default. True? Also, I thought I read way back when, that there is a script that might reset all smoothness flags in a range or event to zero?


Maestro wrote on 5/30/2006, 9:39 PM
I agreee, and would like to know the same thing. Whoever came up with the idea of the track/event motion smoothness affecting the path of travel should be flogged. Like somehow the smoothness of a move is taking a brief turn off the desired path and then settling back into where it should be. It should definitely affect the SPEED, but not the path.
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/30/2006, 10:35 PM
Agreed, and that said, John Rofrano created a script that sets all of these irritants to zero
Grazie wrote on 5/30/2006, 10:49 PM
One of the many virtues of Vegas is flexibility. One of its failings is that it is so darn flexible.

Now, what would we do without scripts? Yah just gotta love it!!

FuTz wrote on 5/31/2006, 4:03 AM

"Now, what would we do without scripts?"

Well, for one, we wouldn't be able to fix the *second* function of this particular aforementioned filter...
birdcat wrote on 5/31/2006, 4:54 AM
I have blessed the name of JR many times for his scripts! They are a lifesaver!
JJKizak wrote on 5/31/2006, 5:17 AM
OK Where do I get the script. My thumb is getting numb from the clicking.
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/31/2006, 6:33 AM
You would find that here
Jim H wrote on 5/31/2006, 6:07 PM
Excellent. I made me a little png icon and put it right up on my toolbar. Thanks Spot.