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Subject:Newbie - Pitch Modulation
Posted by: pmm
Date:4/30/2006 11:36:14 AM

I am brand new to Sound Forge, and sound processing in general, so if I've missed this in the documentation, sorry, but I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow get the pitch/frequency and/or amplitude information from one wav file and apply it to another wav file of the same length, i.e., without affecting tempo, etc.?

That is I want the second wav file to more or less follow the various changes in sound frequency of the first wav file ... if that makes any sense.

This effect would be approximately the equivalent of, say, someone modulating the pitch of a synthesizer to try match that of someone talking or singing in the background, except different.

I don't know if I have my terms straight, so please ask for clarification if I'm not completely making sense.

If you do understand me though, your first thought might be that this seems like a strange thing to want to do, but I am interested in achieving a particularly strange effect.

Anyone know if this might be possible with Sound Forge or with some plug-in, and/or how one might go about doing it (with Sound Forge or otherwise)?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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