Vegas certification

rs170a wrote on 3/20/2006, 10:05 AM
Vegas Certification Training

The Vegas Level-One Certification Program covers the basics of the Vegas software platform, along with an introduction to some of the more advanced capabilities of the program.

The initial offering of Vegas Certification Training will be held at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) tradeshow. Classes will take place from 9:30am to 6:00pm on April 25-26, 2006.

Normally: $899.95
NAB Special: $499.00



busterkeaton wrote on 3/20/2006, 10:20 AM
Nice to see they have certification.

Is it two days? Or the same one-day class being offered twice?

At $500 the NAB "special" still seems a bit high. Especially for users who have been using this product for years. I wonder how this program will go after NAB.

mjroddy wrote on 3/20/2006, 10:35 AM
Well, with ALL due respect to costs and effectiveness, I WAS excited about the subject line. But when I read the cost, I couldn't help by cough. There is pretty much zero chance I would ever (personally) pay nearly that amount to be certified on a program that I A) already know really well and, B) no one will really care if I'm "Certified" in Vegas.
Personally, I don't even NEED to be certified in Avid, but that, at least, is a program that the General Population knows and will respect if you have a certificate on your wall saying, Avid Certified.
$500 or $900 for two days of training (or less) seems extremely high in my worthless opinion. The only reason I offer it at all is so you get some end-user feedback.
HOPEFULLY (for you guys) there will be others who see more of a value here. Hopefully (for US guys), you will see the value in dropping your price by half or so.
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/20/2006, 10:42 AM
The certification program is 2 days of hands-on training, not one course run twice.
Many corporations or broadcasters won't look at Vegas unless it has certified training, so that they know there is a tiered educational program that accompanies the software. It's well documented that training for a specific product is a huge part of what brings that product to an accepted level in a given industry.
The regular price for Sony's announced certification training is on par with, and in some cases slightly less than, certified training for Avid Express, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, Discreet Edit (discontinued) has been in the past and present. Bear in mind it's a manufacturer certified course.
See the costs of the other courses, including the prep classes for the certification courses at NAB Post Production World Conference

You'll be hearing more about certification in the near future, I'm sure.
DavidMcKnight wrote on 3/20/2006, 10:53 AM
Good points Spot. This level one course may not be the course a lot of us would choose to take; I doubt we are the target audience. Makes sense that it would be for acceptance into a corporate environment, could also work well for those of us who have an...uh...employee...that we'd like to provide more formal training for (cough, cough wife cough)
rextilleon wrote on 3/20/2006, 1:30 PM
Also, they are throwing in the upgrade to 7.0 (when it comes out), some training DVD's and a training book.
winrockpost wrote on 3/20/2006, 1:37 PM
.........................Many corporations or broadcasters won't look at Vegas unless it has certified training, so that they know there is a tiered educational program that accompanies the software....

Never thought of that, ok now i see a reason to offer certification.
Glad I read your post before I started typing my usual certifications are useless speal,shpeal, uh BS

Grazie wrote on 3/20/2006, 5:11 PM
When will a "Distance Learning" package going to happen? Now THAT interests me! - and just maybe several other non-NAB-centric Vegas Colleagues too?

Great stuff Sony!!

Graham "Grazie" Bernard
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/20/2006, 5:12 PM
Grazie....think "Fall...." and I'll say no more.
Grazie wrote on 3/20/2006, 5:14 PM

( nudge nudge . . . better dust off my Dutch Spraken - tot siens! . . . )
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/20/2006, 5:22 PM
That's not what I was referring to...VASST will be in Sweden and the UK in the fall. Separate from that to which you refer. :-)
farss wrote on 3/20/2006, 7:02 PM
Can't anyone say Autumn, oh OK, it's harder to spell. And it's "fall" down here now, seems a silly way to denote a part of the year in this global village, not all of us live above the equator.

Seeing as how I'll be at NAB I'd love to go but taking two days out of the rest of my NAB experience when I'm supposed to be helping my boss (who'se paying) choose new kit to buy might be a tad too bigger an ask. Other thing is as I work for myself and the last, the very last job I'd ever want is to be on someone's payroll as an editor. Two of my best friends are ex editors, lucky to get out of it with their sanity intact.

Not to detract from Sony's effort, about time, when did they first say the were going to do this, NAB last year. I suspect it'll take a while before it gets any traction, they might need to hang in there for a few years.

busterkeaton wrote on 3/20/2006, 7:31 PM

That definitely makes it more attractive.

Do you have that info from word of mouth or did you read it somewhere? The other thing that would help well beyond the certification program is better promotion. It's not going to help too much, if you get Sony Vegas Certified and they haven't heard of Sony Vegas. They should have a Vegas Video available if not for broadcast, at least on their home page. I remember they did have a video up for a bit. I also seem to remember that the video wasn't done in Vegas. The titles definitely were not.


Fall and Autumn are synomous up here. Never heard it wasn't that way in the Southern Hemisphere. Is it something to with the origin of the word "fall?" I never took it mean anything about "falling."
corug7 wrote on 3/20/2006, 9:04 PM
BK is correct. You might assume I'm a little on the common side, but I've NEVER heard the word Autumn used in conversation. FWIW, I'm thirty and live in Michigan, US. (obviously in the Northern Hemisphere).

Grazie wrote on 3/20/2006, 11:23 PM
VASST is coming to the UK?!?!?! Woah!

Now THAT'S a thought . . . . . Where? When? . .. too many Qs!

farss wrote on 3/21/2006, 2:49 AM
I don't really have a problem with the use of the word "fall' even though it's rarely used down here, I guess because we don't have a cold enough climate in most parts for leaves to 'fall'.

But my real protest was that fall (or autumn) in the Northern hemisphere is spring in the Southern. So when someone says they'll be coming down here in the fall, is that their fall or our fall?

busterkeaton wrote on 3/21/2006, 3:09 AM
I guess I never knew "fall" referred to leaves falling.

However, Spot's still correct, becuase he didn't say he was going to Australia, but to the UK and to Sweden in the Nothern Hemisphere.
farss wrote on 3/21/2006, 3:55 AM
He, he, that's what HE thinks but we have other plans for him :)

Well actually it's in the fourth quarter which is our spring / your fall.

p@mast3rs wrote on 3/21/2006, 4:47 AM
Wow, definitely great news. Reading through the press release on Creative Cow makes me think that Sony isnt offering V7 at NAB this year. The reason I say that is that those that pass the level One cert will receive a free upgrade of the next version when it launches. Definitely gives more bang for its buck but $500 is still too steep and thats the discounted price.

Perhaps they will offer some sort of education pricing for those of us in academics. Would be nice to have the cert but at a teachers salary, just dont see it happening and definitely not at the regular price.
p@mast3rs wrote on 3/21/2006, 4:48 AM
Wow, definitely great news. Reading through the press release on Creative Cow makes me think that Sony isnt offering V7 at NAB this year. The reason I say that is that those that pass the level One cert will receive a free upgrade of the next version when it launches. Definitely gives more bang for its buck but $500 is still too steep and thats the discounted price.

Perhaps they will offer some sort of education pricing for those of us in academics. Would be nice to have the cert but at a teachers salary, just dont see it happening and definitely not at the regular price.
filmy wrote on 3/21/2006, 5:04 AM
>>>but I've NEVER heard the word Autumn used in conversation. FWIW, I'm thirty and live in Michigan, US. (obviously in the Northern Hemisphere).<<<

Guess maybe it is an East Coast thing than...grew up hearing it all the time. Somehow fall is not the same as Autumn and neiter is really the same as Indian Summer. A few weeks ago when the temp got up to around 65 - 70 I was saying to people it felt like Autumn. To me I think of fall as more of the time of year when the leaves are almost gone from the trees, you are mowing the lawns one more time and there is a slight chill in the air. Autumn is the time of year when the leaves are fully in color and there is a quiet stillness to everything and the temp is around 70. Indian Summer is somewhat closer to Autumn in feelining than fall.

Of course that is how I feel growing up and living in an area where these terms are used all the time. Your milage may vary.

P.S - oh yeah - been asking for Vegas Certification for a few years now so I am glad to see it. But really I am not so sure I want to be "Sony" certified anything. Now if the little piece of paper says "Vegas Editing" or the like I would feel better about it.
MarkWWWW wrote on 3/21/2006, 5:30 AM
Woo-Hoo! Can we pre-book for the UK event? Is there a date and venue set yet?

dand9959 wrote on 3/21/2006, 7:39 AM
".. is that their fall or our fall?"

I don't think it's anybody's fall. No need to assign blame.
kayoung08 wrote on 3/24/2006, 8:58 AM
is there any idea of when they will offer this class again?
vitalforce2 wrote on 3/24/2006, 9:42 AM
Silly me. I thought the reference was to Albert Bacon Fall, who of course was the U.S. Interior Secretary 1921-23 and central figure in the Teapot Dome Scandal.

I'm about to send me wallabee back, Jack.