
vitalforce2 wrote on 3/15/2006, 1:59 PM
Interesting camera body. Looks like one of those electric steak knives with a lens on the front.

Little more pricey, I daresay.
farss wrote on 3/15/2006, 3:48 PM
There's plenty of cameras out there that would need 'downconversion' to fit into HDV, the F950 from Sony, Grass Valley Viper (pretty old now), Arrie's D20 and the Panavision Origin.

From the very limited amount of playing around I've been able to do I think HDV is capabale of delivering very high image quality, what holds it back is the minute CCDs and the optics. Of course if you're spending the big bucks on better optics and imagers why would you not use something like MJ2K compression.

Speaking of which I was in a local pro still camera shop yesterday, yowser, had a camera with a 35M pixel imager. No I didn't ask the price, at my age I don't need anymore shocks that necessary.
