OT-Graphics Cards+HD

vidiot57 wrote on 12/31/2005, 1:34 PM
Hi all,

I am still in the info gathering stage, before building a new (probably dual core) system.. i notice that some of the newer graphics card offer HD capability and outputs.. For example something like the NVidia 6800 series Graphics cards.. What exactly can you do with this HD capability?/ And does Vegas 6.0 c utilize this capability?? ...For example when running Vegas on a nice Dual Core system, could Vegas use this output to show you your HDV output on an external monitor using this function??

Thanks in advance..

Mike Moncrief


rmack350 wrote on 12/31/2005, 4:52 PM
This is what the new "preview on second screen" feature is for. since firewire output will always be SD DV25, Vegas needed some way to output at HD resolutions. If your graphics card can drive an HD resolution monitor (as a second screen) you can configure Vegas to use it as your preview monitor.

Rob Mack