Project Size Estimates are WAY OFF!

shauntoole wrote on 12/28/2005, 10:04 PM
I am finding some strange things with the project size estimation in DVDA3C. Tonight I've spent hours trying to get four 1.1 GB files to fit on a regular sized DVD. I know that should be a tight fit, but when I add the files one by one to my project the estimated size jumps tremendously - in one case, one of the files was estimated at 3.1 GB!

This problem seemed to go away when I added the four files at one time by dropping them on the main menu. The estimated size was 5.5 GB - still larger than anticipated, but none were going to be recompressed in the preparation process.

I couldn't find any clues other than the frame rate of the files. In one case one of the files had a frame rate of 29.9... while the rest were 23.9... Could this be the cause of the problem?


TheHappyFriar wrote on 12/29/2005, 5:07 AM
the estimate is sometimes off. If it really won't fit it won't burn or you'll have to optomize/recompress.
shauntoole wrote on 12/29/2005, 7:24 AM
But what would make the size of a file jump from 1.2 GB to 3.1 GB?
johnmeyer wrote on 12/29/2005, 10:36 AM
If you use the file in multiple ways, then it actually gets encoded multiple times. For instance, if you add subtitles to one instance (i.e., use) of the file, then that needs to be encoded separately. Also, if you use a file in its entirety as a menu background or as a thumbnail for a button, then it gets encoded again.

Simply dropping the file into a brand new project and doing nothing else should only use that file once and will give you some idea of the file usage. Once you start using that file in other ways, DVDA will usually just make a new reference to the file but not re-encode it, so the usage stays roughly the same. However, as mentioned above, if you use the file in a way that requires the file to be re-encoded, and project size will jump.
shauntoole wrote on 1/6/2006, 8:55 PM
I am only using the files once. No "different ways" or anything else.
jrazz wrote on 1/6/2006, 9:13 PM
DVDA is not good at estimating. Like it was said before, if you know that the file sizes are less than the disc limit 4.7gb, then burn. The message that pops up telling you that you have went over is only a warning, not an error. If you can prepare it to a folder and burn using Nero, do that. Don't rely on DVDA's estimating skills.

j razz
johnmeyer wrote on 1/7/2006, 5:46 PM
If you want to send me the DAR file, I can take a look and maybe come up with some additional ideas for you.