Customizing Display

orca wrote on 12/17/2005, 2:35 PM
Just have to ask this. I've been using Vegas for more than a couple years, I never realized I could customized the display such as putting the timeline on the bottom and the video preview on the top. I just saw some tutorials with this setup and I liked that setup better than the default. The problem is I can't seem to move the timeline anywhere, is there something that I should do first to undock the timeline? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Spot|DSE wrote on 12/17/2005, 2:42 PM
Dean, the Timeline can't be undocked. It can be at the top or the bottom, but that's it.
The tutorial you likely saw was this one
Don't know if that helps...?
orca wrote on 12/17/2005, 2:59 PM
Hi Spot,

Exactly what I was looking for. No wonder I couldn't find the option as I needed to press SHIFT first. My Vegas is already changed. Thanks!


Spot|DSE wrote on 12/18/2005, 12:01 AM
Marty, my apologies. I saw "Orca" and somehow thought of another user, "Orcatek."

Glad the tute helped out. Vegas is a lot more fun with the timeline on top, eh? :-)
busterkeaton wrote on 12/18/2005, 11:26 PM
In the big Vegas wishes thread, I mentioned that Vegas should ship with 5 or 10 preset layouts. This is in addition to the 10 custom layouts you can save. It would be a great help to newcomers to Vegas to show the flexibility of the prouct. Just showing a Digital Audio Workstation layout alongside a Non Linear Editing layout would be a simple and effective marketing tool.