OT: Anyone has tried USB Microphone?

orca wrote on 12/15/2005, 10:20 AM
If it's as good as their description, this could be a good portable microphone to carry. Any thoughts on this Samson C01U? Are they any good at all? Spot, do you think it's worth to review?

I know it won't beat the quality of having an audio capture and a very good mike, but if the quality is good for its price range and convenience of carrying around w/ a laptop, then I would probably get one. :)


Jeff_Smith wrote on 12/15/2005, 11:03 AM
I am also curious if anyone has tried these. How about
blue snowball

It is twice as much as the samson

Spot|DSE wrote on 12/15/2005, 1:10 PM
I have a Snoball, and like it a lot. Jeffrey Fisher, who just finished a VASST Voice Over DVD uses the Samson and he likes that one...yes, they work great. The computer sees it as a sound card.