Subject:Some questions
Posted by: kbruff
Date:11/28/2005 8:19:19 AM
Will surface control be added to ACID anytime soon? Also is there a way to render each track without having to do it one at a time? Further is there a common file format which can retain volume and panning envelopes for wave files. In case I need to save a session which will be opened in a different application such as Logic, Cubase etc. I will have some more questions - thanks in advance for your time! |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: merlyn
Date:11/28/2005 9:40:49 AM
1) We're all hoping for surface control in Acid 6, which is hopefully not too far away (best guesses here are about 2 months until we see 6) 2) There is no way to "Batch" render each track without doing it one at a time. 3) There is no common file format that wil retain volume and panning cross platform for waves. Midi files allow you to do this with midi information through control change information, but I've never done it. Message last edited on11/28/2005 9:42:16 AM bymerlyn. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: kbruff
Date:11/28/2005 10:12:56 AM
hmmmm...what about a volume envelope based pluggin, which could be transported from one PC to another. The pluggin would essentially store the panning and volume transitions throughout the recording itself --- Perhaps this is a way to use the Blue Cat Pluggins -- Any comments? Thanks again for your time! |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: merlyn
Date:11/28/2005 11:28:51 AM
For what you're describing, wouldn't your best bet be to render a wave with all the volume changes and panning happening real time in the render? This way you could dump the wave in whatever program you want and with all the changes in place already. I don't know of any plugins that actually allow you to pick and choose spots where control changes happen and then allow you to store as a preset (tempo based plug ins do this somewhat, but only in regards to tempo, meaning that the changes happen on the note values in regard to the track BPM and not where you choose them to happen....for example, a BPM pan plug in will pan from one side to the other in regard to the note value and the BPM that the plug in is set to). I think what you're requesting is a bit out of the ordinary for most, since automation will handle the duties that you want, but I understand your wish to take your project cross platform. I just can't see a way to do it except for the method I described above. Message last edited on11/28/2005 11:33:55 AM bymerlyn. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: kbruff
Date:11/28/2005 12:18:54 PM
It would give the user the luxary of discarding the panning and volume envelope chages, the idea is to avoid rendering until you absolutely needed to do so. It is ok -- I usually dont have anymore than 16 tracks per song. Therefore a rendered dry set and a rendered wet set is easy to generate. Bye, Kevin *** |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: Alex_Talionas
Date:11/29/2005 9:07:58 AM
"2) There is no way to "Batch" render each track without doing it one at a time." That's not true. Goto "Render As", and you will see a check mark to "Save each track as a seperate file". That functionality is already in Acid. This will render each track seperately in Acid to the file format of your choice. "3) There is no common file format that wil retain volume and panning cross platform for waves." That's not true either. .OMF export supports this functionality, but Acid does not support .OMF import/export. I believe Vegas is able to do this also using it's EDL support. The only problem is that the other app must also support the EDL format, or you must use a program like EDL Convert Pro which will convert that information to other formats that can be opened by the other app. Acid does not support EDL export like Vegas. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: merlyn
Date:11/29/2005 10:00:06 AM
Alex: I guess you told me! I've never even noticed that check box and I've been using Acid for years. Thanks for setting me straight on that and I apologize to kbuff for the false info. In regards to .OMF: I think kbuff was asking about the individual file renders and not the project files. Even so, you're telling me .OMF allows volume settings and pans (and I'm assuming other settings such as eq) to be saved in a project file and opened up in a different application (as long as it supports .OMF) without the use of an application like EDL Convert Pro? If so, thanks again for bringing me update. Could you give me some examples of applications that can do this without the use of an EDL Convert Pro type product (meaning Company A's project file opens in Company B's application without a 3rd party converting program) and solely by the .OMF file format? Also, does this also work for the individual .wav renders as I believe that kbuff was asking about? Thanks in advance. Message last edited on11/29/2005 10:06:50 AM bymerlyn. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: Alex_Talionas
Date:11/29/2005 10:27:54 AM
I'm not 100% sure of all this stuff, since I haven't been able to personally use it. I believe volume envelopes and pan envelopes are included with the OMF format. From my basic understanding is that OMF will include the media and placement along the timeline and it will also retain the volume/pan envelope information. Apps that support this that I know of are Pro Tools if you get the additional OMF support option. Nuendo, Cubase and Sonar also do it from what I understand. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: Alex_Talionas
Date:11/29/2005 10:57:57 AM
My bad....I'm wrong about the volume and pan evelope information with OMF.....well kind of. OMF does actually support that functionality but it is up to the host app to decide if it's going to support it or not, since there could be problems on the way volume/pan envelopes differ from one app to the other. There's a pretty good explanation on Cakewalk's site which tells what OMF does and doesn't do. Check it out here: Message last edited on11/29/2005 11:01:23 AM byAlex_Talionas. |
Subject:RE: Some questions
Reply by: merlyn
Date:11/29/2005 6:52:55 PM
Thanks for the link. It's much appreciated. I'm gonna dig for more information on .OMF. If I find anything cool, I'll bring it back here. |