window dissappears

vidiot57 wrote on 10/8/2005, 6:03 AM

Using Vegas 6B, and when i open pan/crop tool.. the window jumps down like it is going to the tool bar, but i cannot find it?? I have seen this happen before when the "secondary display" is turned on and the window will jump over to there.. But in this case it is not turned on.. Any suggestions??

Thanks to all..
Mike m.


jetdv wrote on 10/8/2005, 6:53 AM
Sounds like it's been moved off the screen. Try changing you screen resolution, doing this same task, moving it back to the main areas, and the resetting your screen resolution back to normal.
vidiot57 wrote on 10/8/2005, 8:53 AM
Hi Edward, Thanks for responding.. My resolution is set to the highest it can be on this sytem.. i tried severl other resolutions.. minimizing vegas, resizing it etc.. and I still cannot see that wind..
What is that combination of keys you hit when starting up vegas to set it to its default?/ maybe that will help me.

Mike m

GaryKleiner wrote on 10/8/2005, 9:01 AM
Try resetting your system display properties to one monitor only.

Spot|DSE wrote on 10/8/2005, 10:00 AM
to reset Vegas, hold CTRL+SHIFT while Vegas loads.
***Warning, this will delete any customized settings you might have.***
vidiot57 wrote on 10/8/2005, 10:55 AM

When i look at my display properties in control panel.. Under display it shows (Multiple monitors) as choice one and two.. in the little window with the picture of the two monitors, the left one which has a one on it, is active and the right one with a 2 on it is grayed out..
i cannot see anyplace to set it to just one monitor?? Also in vegas I have secondary monitor turned off.. ..
Not sure how to get this thing to see just one monitor??

mike m.

Spot|DSE wrote on 10/8/2005, 11:05 AM
In your windows display properties, you can turn off second monitor.
right click desktop, get to Properties, and modify display there.
vidiot57 wrote on 10/8/2005, 11:25 AM

I connected a second monitor, enabled secondary display in vegas.. brought a piece of footage, clicked on pan/crop.. and sure enough there is the window, over on the other monitor.. moved it back over.. and now all is well.
i will take a second look at what you are saying Spot..

Thanks to the guys who helped, Edward,Gary and Spot... love this forum.. You guys are the best..

mike m.

FuTz wrote on 10/8/2005, 1:06 PM

Aaaah those windows again...
Now it's multiple screens festival but...

...Beware of the baaad popping ones !