
Spot|DSE wrote on 9/26/2005, 5:53 PM
Correct. I you have Red, you don't need the other packages
Bob Greaves wrote on 9/26/2005, 6:20 PM
Thanks, this is as it seemed to me. I'm glas I asked because my plan would not work too well if I was not correct.
flippin wrote on 9/27/2005, 12:58 PM

I'm curious...what is your plan for using Boris Red?

I bought it about 1 1/2 years ago and I very much like Red's awesome titling capabilities. However, one of the reasons that
I bought Red was, in theory, it can be used as a plug-in with Vegas (I'm using Vegas 5). Some people seem to be able to use Vegas and Red seamlessly; however, I (along with at least several others who've posted on this topic) found that to be so difficult that I always use Red as a stand-alone, render the files separately, and import those files into Vegas for further use. Somewhat clunky, but nowhere near as frustrating as trying to make Red function correctly as a plug-in within Vegas.

Your note also suggested that you are relatively new to video...Boris Red has a fairly steep learning curve, in my experience, and it is way too expensive to buy unless you are pretty sure you are really going to learn it and use it for something.

Best regards,

mjroddy wrote on 9/27/2005, 1:50 PM
"Boris Red has a fairly steep learning curve"
For what it's worth (and that's not much), I hear that about Boris a lot. I never found it to be so. I think (with the exception of Pixel Chooser, which baffels me to this day), the main Boris interface is pretty intuitive. I have no problems in there. I LOVE they keyframing and think that it is the measuring stick by which all keyframing should be measured.
Of course, me saying, "I Know Boris" really means I know 50% of Boris. The rest, I don't mess with. I'm in my comfort zone.
musman wrote on 9/27/2005, 3:00 PM
Actually, Red is Grafitti, FX, and a few things neither Grafitti or FX has. I believe corner pin tracking is something only Red has, and it is a great feature. Check their site, there should be a checklist comparison thingy there somewhere.
kentwolf wrote on 9/27/2005, 7:16 PM
>>..Some people seem to be able to use Vegas and Red seamlessly...

If you do a regular Red install, Red does show up as both a transition as well as a Video FX.

Is that not always the case?

I will frequently hightlight, insert an empty event, drop Boris Red on it, then do whatever.

Works fine here.
flippin wrote on 9/28/2005, 2:32 PM

re: the learning curve...i was a little surprised when i first received the boris red box in the contained a single cd rom of software and a 500-page user's manual that doesn't fully scratch the surface of red's capabilities.

that's okay, it has been worth exploring red with, and without, help from the manual; however, it took awhile for me to become competent with just a few of the many, many functions. now, like you, i have settled into a comfort zone of being able to do some things really well--but maybe i have become too comfortable. i'm probably stuck far earlier on the learning curve than fact, i'm quite sure that i don't know how to use anywhere near 50% of red's capabilities yet--and i've had it for 1 1/2 years! but, again, i got comfortable doing a few things pretty well after a month or so and haven't really applied myself enough to the remaining functions of the software.


it's honestly been such a long time since i tried to use red from within vegas that i can't quite remember what was so frustrating about it. i recall thinking at the time--early on, just after i had first started to play with it a little--"jeez, i can't handle the boris red learning curve and the red-vegas interface learning curve at the same time" i took heed of several posters at this site who claimed always to use red as a stand-alone product. so, that freed me up to learn some things--i wish it were more!--about red without having to worry about screwing up my vegas projects. after awhile, you guessed it--that became my comfort zone, for better or worse. (it's probably not hard to tell that i am strictly an amateur...).

best regards,

mjroddy wrote on 9/28/2005, 3:38 PM
Honestly, I doubt you're "stuck far earlier on the learning curve" than I am, but thanks for suggesting it ;-)
I guess the Interface (which I consider to be the only easy thing about Boris) was something that worked with my brain. The other things get pretty step pretty quickly.
My comment was strictly regarding the interface.
Maybe I'll see you at an "Advanced Boris Red Training Class." I thnk we can handle it.
As a note about the Boris/Vegas frustrations: Unless you go through some conniptions, you don't have real-time feedback from the timeline within Boris; you need proxy files; it's slower than if using the Stand-Alone.
It's not "bad," it's just not good - and I had high expectations when it came to Sony/Boris.