Best way to create interactive slide show

Pullmanite wrote on 9/23/2005, 9:12 AM
I'm creating a DVD with a slide show that the user can navigate (previous image, next image, zoom into current image, etc.) Each image is really a video created in After Effects: there is a video with the image shifting out of the frame and the next or previous one coming into the frame OR a video of the image being zoomed in for a closer look.

The way I've been doing it is to create a menu and have the video as the background for that page so I can navigate (again: previous, next or zoom in). Any better way to do this that to make every image a separate menu?



ScottW wrote on 9/23/2005, 11:09 AM
Until we get navigation in a movie, the only way you can do what you are doing is the way you are doing it, though some of your transitions you may be able to insert as a short movie clip.

Keep in mind that a VTS can only hold up to 250 menus and 99 movies and that the total size of all the menus cannot exceed 1GB. If you are going to exceed the limits you'll need to look at creating a multi-VTS project (at which point I would start looking at something like DVD Lab Pro to do the authoring).

DustBunny wrote on 9/23/2005, 4:18 PM
Thanks, Scott... I didn't know about the limits, but thankfully I don't need to worry about any of those for this project.