New Vegas 6 User - Converted from Premiere

JARiffe wrote on 9/9/2005, 12:33 PM
Hi, All.......

For the past several months, I debated on staying with Adobe Premiere 6 for my freelance NLE work, or biting the bullet and jumping over to Vegas 6+DVD. Much of my decision was based upon the posts and interaction that I observed in this forum.

As an "outsider," looking in, I was impressed with the level of support (and camaraderie) that many of you provided those who were new to the software.

Now, as a new user of Vegas, I will do my best to not ask too many dumb questions during the learning curve, and eventually hope to contribute something positive to the group.

Very best regards from Virginia!
James Riffe


Spot|DSE wrote on 9/9/2005, 12:42 PM
Welcome to Vegas, James!
This forum, and several others are great forums for folks to learn from. I think you'll be very happy with Vegas and the resources available to you.
jbaudrand wrote on 9/9/2005, 1:59 PM
Welcome James!!!
every one is welcome...
anything is possible here with vegas
the only limit is yourself

--------------------------------- fan
riredale wrote on 9/9/2005, 2:04 PM
Don't worry about asking "dumb" questions. I've asked a lot of them and people still talk to me. With only a very few exceptions (maybe having to do with the sunspot cycle), people on this forum are exceptionally friendly and willing to help.

As an aside, though, do take advantage of the "search" feature on this forum--once you learn how to use it, you will discover that pretty much everything that could be asked has been discussed at some point, and the search tool will find those discussions.
Serena wrote on 9/9/2005, 5:12 PM
Hi James,
Welcome to the world of Vegas. Possibly editors are exceptionally pleasant people and Vegas attracts the best of them, for this is a really supportive and friendly forum. Don't worry about asking simple questions -- they're the easiest ones to answer.

BrianStanding wrote on 9/9/2005, 5:42 PM
I'm a fellow Premiere 6.0 refugee. I've never looked back. Let me know if you have any "how do you do this in THIS software" kind of questions. If you're used to Premiere, Vegas takes a little getting used to, but once you do, look out!
rsp wrote on 9/10/2005, 4:01 AM
Welcome James,

Only joined here recently and sofar this forum has been a source of information and inspiration ... do a search on a topic you're looking for and most of the time you'll find out you're not the first one with that question!
