recommendations for surround speakers

BPB wrote on 7/28/2005, 8:24 AM
I'm trying to put together a playback system for surround....I have several sets of stereo spks,Alesis 824s, Events PS8s ,yamaha ns10s.
I'm thinking of cobbling something together using a presonus firepod as my outs.

I have also been looking at the m-audio surround system......
I'd appreciate any suggestions and posts about some mid priced setups
(under a grand)

I also have a RAMSA DA7 available.


epirb wrote on 7/28/2005, 2:19 PM
I have recently purchased the M's LX-4's and what a difference. Many people here have recommended them or the BX8's . One thing I would say is for surround you definately want matched speakers.
Mixing various brands and models will make it awfully hard to get a clean mix.
BPB wrote on 7/30/2005, 9:49 PM
thanks epirb

Those are the spks at the top of my list, glad to hear you like them.
BPB wrote on 7/30/2005, 9:54 PM
to continue..I'll probably use my mackie 824's for my 2 mix
and will setup a separate surround spk system for surround ...will these playback an ac3 rendered surround mix?

also do I add both of these audio mixes to the DVD (stereo and 5.1)?

epirb wrote on 7/31/2005, 5:25 AM
You can.. esp w/ DVD A 3 .
I have expiremented doing it both ways
ie: AC3 surround mix then a stereo mix, basicaly to see how they compare on non suround systems. And how my 5.1 mix sounds on a downmix to stereo. I've got a ways to go, sometimes it sounds good other times it's way out of balance.
BPB wrote on 7/31/2005, 10:11 AM
what sound card or rack unit to you recommend for the m audio lx system....
I'm not clear on whether I need something like the multi output MOTU or Presonus firepod
or something that accepts encoded input.
Does the m audio LX4 system accept individual inputs (ie 6 outs from VEGAS) or would I only be able to monitor surround from an encoded ac3 through DVDA?

thanks for replies ...Maybe I should post this a separate question.