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Subject:Can't Monitor with DIGI002?
Posted by: sethpolansky
Date:6/30/2005 7:37:48 PM


When I hit the record button and get my record dialog box, i tick off the "monitor" box and still can't hear anything. The green lines light up, and it actually does record, but I still can't hear anything while I'm recording. (nor can I hear any input while the record dialog box is up before recording...)

I'm using the Digi ASIO driver with a DIGI 002. I've not had this problem in the Vegas 6 demo or Steinberg's SX or Wavelab.

-Seth P.

Subject:RE: Can't Monitor with DIGI002?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/9/2005 11:35:18 AM

Does the Digi 002 let you monitor via the hardware itself? (I don't see why not.) Check your manual.

ACID presently doesn't let you do software monitoring (like Vegas does).

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Subject:RE: Can't Monitor with DIGI002?
Reply by: sethpolansky
Date:7/15/2005 8:28:26 AM

Yes, the DIGI 0002 has hardware monitoring. As I stated, this problem does not occur in cubase, vegas or wavelab.

I'm fairly certain it's a bug with the Digi ASIO and wave drivers in Acid.


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