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Subject:Save as (Default Template)
Posted by: cowmumble
Date:6/14/2005 5:41:52 PM

Whenever I open the "Save As" window to save a project as mp3, the template goes back to default. Kind of a drag to "shuffle through" to 128kbps option every time I wanna concert an mp3 to that compression.

Is there a setting or something I'm overlooking to keep it at that setting rather than default?

Subject:RE: Save as (Default Template)
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:6/14/2005 7:41:07 PM

Are you sure it goes back to the default? For me it goes to "Last template you didn't save", which then opens in the custom window with all the settings i used for the last save.

Of course, if you exit Sound Forge then the next time you open it the template will revert to default.

Subject:RE: Save as (Default Template)
Reply by: cowmumble
Date:6/15/2005 10:28:29 AM

yes, It's when I exit Sound Forge. I use it at a radio station and I'm opening and closing Sound Forge a lot. Thanks for the info.

Subject:RE: Save as (Default Template)
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:6/15/2005 10:53:40 AM

Ah. That explains it. I'll often have Sound Forge open for weeks at a time.

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