
Randy Vild wrote on 6/8/2005, 10:23 PM
WOW, that is a great subtle and effective effect!!!! The singer has a wonderful clear voice. Do not know how to achieve this without effecting most of the screen using the light ray effect.

Someone please give an answer.

Jeff_Smith wrote on 6/8/2005, 11:33 PM
I have read about a filter in Boris Continuum called the Rays Streaky filter, you might check that out to see if it can do controled vertical rays.

Regarding the video, B-, almost good, but deductions due to gratuitous shots of Orange guitar amps ;^)
Trichome wrote on 6/9/2005, 1:48 AM

I got it using After Effects and Trapcode Starglow
farss wrote on 6/9/2005, 4:41 AM
It can be done with a real filter, from memory no more complicated than a piece of scratched glass, in front of the lens.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 6/9/2005, 9:28 AM
from what I could see of that REALLY low res gabled movie, I belive I've replicated it with some footage I shot yesterday outside (the sun made it really easy to get highlights).

Here's a link to the video for you to see:

the first 15s is the origional footage (my first widescreen DV footage shot ever!)
the last 15s is with the effects I applied.

Using a linear blur it looks good but not as much effect. I used lightrays (x2) for hte light. Maybe they're a weee but to intense though. :)

Here's what effects I used to make it (I duplicatd the video on a layer above it)
add the black/white filter. Make 100% (1.0) b/w
add the brightness/contast filter. I putbrightness to 0.20, contrast & center to 1.0. Mess with to get better results if you want.
I then added two light rays. One all the way on the bottomn & one all the way on top (the yellow center boxes). I iused the intense lightray preset.
I then put that video layer to ~55%
I then made the origional layer a child to the top layer.
On the top layer I then made the compositing layer "lighten."

Seems to work for me. Cool effect though. I never bothered to figure out how to do this till now.