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Subject:Can the history of rendered files be saved?
Posted by: zerobae
Date:6/7/2005 3:30:07 AM

I'm currently finishing a project I first began to work on last fall, 2004. Because work was interrupted for several months, it now eats up a lot of my time to reconstruct which sound files originally consisted of which samples (I have to do that because some samples are not yet cleared).

Here's an example: Let's say I make up a drum loop from a kick drum sample, a snare sample and a hihat sample in Acid. I arrange these samples and then render the arrangement to a new wav file (the drumloop) that I'll use in all following versions of my project. Now wouldn't it be cool if I could open the Track Properties of the drumloop and see which sound files (samples) the drumloop was originally rendered from?

Is there a way to save such information in Acid?

Thanks for your suggestions in advance
and sorry for my English,


Subject:RE: Can the history of rendered files be saved?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:6/7/2005 8:53:18 AM

Here's an example: Let's say I make up a drum loop from a kick drum sample, a snare sample and a hihat sample in Acid. I arrange these samples and then render the arrangement to a new wav file (the drumloop) that I'll use in all following versions of my project. Now wouldn't it be cool if I could open the Track Properties of the drumloop and see which sound files (samples) the drumloop was originally rendered from?

ACID doesn't have such a feature, but that would be actually kind of cool; somewhat like the "Edit Source Project" feature that the apps have now. You'd only want the info, correct?

Be sure, as always, to give SPD your thoughts on product suggestions.

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Subject:RE: Can the history of rendered files be saved?
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/7/2005 8:44:42 PM


(is this kind of message allowed in the forum ?)

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