Cathy's First Time Tutorial

mjroddy wrote on 5/31/2005, 9:25 AM
I finally made the time to create a tutorial for Cathy's First Time. Some of you may remember that video from the VASST contest in April.
I went into too much detail, so it's a couple pages long. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
If you're curious, please visit
and let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoy it.


rs170a wrote on 5/31/2005, 10:12 AM
Great tutorial Matthew.
Glad to see you listened to those of us pestering you at NAB about doing it :-)
And thanks for detailing the settings you used for the various FX shots.

Yoyodyne wrote on 5/31/2005, 10:31 AM
That was great! I love this kind of stuff - really appreciate the time and detail you put into this.

Thanks a bunch,
Orcatek wrote on 5/31/2005, 11:53 AM
Great write up. Especially glad you covered the shooting. Very well done and congrats again!

Stonefield wrote on 5/31/2005, 7:55 PM
Any chance of doing some more videos like this one ? I'd love to see them....

johnmeyer wrote on 5/31/2005, 10:46 PM
How can I ever compete with this? Great stuff!
farss wrote on 6/1/2005, 12:40 AM
An excellent effort and it shows the importance of what you're shooting and how you're shooting it, as well as planning.
Grazie wrote on 6/1/2005, 1:12 AM

. . anybody wanna buy some video kit? . . I give up!

Seriously, the detail you go to, the explanation of the whys and where-fors has made me re-evaluate - yet again - what I do and how I do it.

.. the thing about my kit? FORGET IT! . . . you've made me think even more than thrice in posting my stuff to Kelly's site . .. seeeessh ..

Thank you for doing this - really, I mean it,


farss wrote on 6/1/2005, 4:20 AM
don't give up! After all if it was that easy everyone would be doing it!
Be grateful that despite all the digital wizardry it still comes back to the same set of basics that were there when the first movie camera was cranked over, nothing is ever going to change that, at least not in our lifetime (I hope).
StormCrow wrote on 6/1/2005, 5:23 AM
Great, great, GREAT tutorial! Thank you for taking the time to explain in such detail everything involved in this production. Your right about has she got ripped ab's or what! HOT
mjroddy wrote on 6/1/2005, 9:15 AM
Thanks very much!!!
I did put a bit of effort into that tutorial (I was learning how to make the page as I went), and that it's appreciated makes it completely worthwhile. It's my privlige to give a little something back to the community that has helped me with every little problem that I come across in video production (and then some).
I look forward to being inspired by you guys. I check out every piece of work that people post here. Such a great community. And Kelly's site is a constant sourse of amazing material. Post more stuff!
Thanks again for the kind words and inspiration. They are sincerely appreciated.