OT: Commercial cut with Vegas 6

Trichome wrote on 4/27/2005, 4:57 PM
I realize I am opening myself as fair game, but I love this group.
This is the latest commercial I wrote [to clients specifications], directed, shot [DVX100A 24P] and editied [Sony Vegas 6].
Final render for broadcast will have text issues resolved, slower , clearer.

Music by: Randy Vild [aka Randini]


Whale and Ale commercial


p@mast3rs wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:09 PM
Gary, it sucked. Just kidding. Very nice work. Has the bundle of joy blessed you with their presence yet?
Trichome wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:11 PM
Oceana Helen Barrett is about 6 weeks old now. Both mother and daughter doing wonderfully.
Hope all is well with you and your family, Patrick.

p@mast3rs wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:15 PM
Thats awesome news. I am so glad to hear everything went well. Our new one is a couple weeks away I hope. Love the name Oceana. Very unqiue. We decided on Madison Ella Masters for our new bundle.

Shoot me an email sometime. I miss our discussions. Take care and keep up the good work.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:38 PM

Nicely done, Gary!

mjroddy wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:48 PM
Good show! Overall, I quite liked it.
My ONLY comments (and I hope they're taken constructively) would be that some of the food shots were too "warm." The colour ballance seemed a bit off. The ONLY other thing that comes to mind is that a few of the vocals were burried by your SFX a bit. The ambience was a bit hot, in other words.
But you really captured the feel and essence of the joint. I'd be pleased if that came out or our production house here.
Gonzoman wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:50 PM
Very nice piece - looks like it was shot with Panavision :)

Two thumbs up!
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/27/2005, 5:56 PM
I'd echo Matthew's comments, the ambience could stand to have the high frequencies around 3K to 5K cut a bit, but part of the harsh ambience is amplified in the compression for streaming, so it might not be as bad in finished form. Only other comment (which might be compression related) is the contrast between the whale and your water media in the background..it makes the title lay difficult to read.
Very good piece!
vicmilt wrote on 4/27/2005, 7:40 PM
Excellent job - you have every right to be proud of it...
so how about some details of production (if you don't mind)...

For instance Costs:
Talent payments
Shooting schedule
Lighting complement
Edit time
War stories??

I think this group would be very interested in HOW you turned out such a fine commercial...
If that's too personal - well, Good Job!
ken c wrote on 4/27/2005, 8:09 PM
Nice work! Made me hungry and want to visit, so it worked.

Good pacing, lighting, interesting, believable.

Now I'm hungry. It got me wanting to stop by for a bite to eat & drink.

thanks for sharing it... I enjoy seeing what you pros are working on :-)
I liked the immersive feel, sold the experience and not just the food/drink, in your videography. Congrats.

Trichome wrote on 4/27/2005, 9:03 PM
Thank you all for taking the time to view and write technical hints to make the project 'that much better'
I will check the levels and EQ for the ambience and try some color curves on the food to bring it back a touch.
Those finishing tips will really help me.

I will assemble the info Mr. Milt was inquiring about for anyone interested and post details shortly. Overall production went smoothly, very relaxed.

Family, friends, a local theatre troupe all appeased in addition to a very sharp Pub owner.

I hope it drives people to the pub. :)
beerandchips wrote on 4/28/2005, 7:26 AM
Good job. One thing. Change "Fish and Chips" to Beerandchips and you have a winner ;)
Jimmy_W wrote on 4/28/2005, 7:43 AM
Thank alot, now i'm craving a beer and its only 10:45 am.
seriously nice job.
Chienworks wrote on 4/28/2005, 8:27 AM
Just now got around to watching this. Very impressive!

I think my only nit to pick is the text of the various foods. They are barely on the screen long enough to read, and they seem very choppy. I would have them "bleed" over the cuts before and after them. Have "SALMON" start fading in before the salmon is shown, and fade out after the prime rib is shown. Likewise "PRIME RIB" should start fading in while the salmon is still on the screen, etc. This will give the audience more time to read and make those few rapid shots flow together better.

Oh, and one other comment ... i notice that the image is framed 16:9, but the text overlaps the black bars above and below. So, is this a 16:9 or 4:3? If it is 16:9, what happens to the text when viewed on a 16:9 monitor?
PumiceT wrote on 4/28/2005, 8:35 AM
Probably a 4:3 with some segments letterboxed to appear more "film-like." I'm assuming this, of course... and as far as I've seen, TV commercials here in the 'States can't really be in 16:9 format.
Randy Vild wrote on 4/28/2005, 3:56 PM
Yes the best part is the music...lol
I have known Gary personally for many years in the business and this commercial is a great reflection of his growth with his camera skills and colorization. What I like about it most is the owner actually let Gary be creative. I find this a problem with some new business owners. They want to show the world all these great prices in 30 sec. and they forget the whole idea is to just get potential customers to visit once. After that it is the deals, food and atmoshere that keeps them.

Great Job Gary and excellent suggestions by others.

je@on wrote on 4/28/2005, 4:20 PM
More thumbs up. Nice spot!
Trichome wrote on 4/28/2005, 5:13 PM
Thanks again everyone!

We booked this commercial last year and numerous scheduling conflicts [mostly on our end] pushed it off until now. I was eager to make that up to an owner with high expectations and easy going manner.

Originally the script had a salty theme, pirates and such, but costume availability and the owners request to feature food more than drink required a rework, the changes brought on a more 'royal' feel.

We shot it last Sunday [4/24/05] from 9-1 pm.
About 14 actors from the local theatre showed up [free] along with my cousin and sisters-in-law. I assigned some dialog to those in best costumes and off we went. The owner is also a featured speaker.

Costumes $150 rental including fittings.
2 make-up people $50 students for school credit.
Crew was me, my wife was the producer handling pre-production and production day issues. My good friend Adam Cook ran 2nd unit camera DVX100 and did a great job lighting the pub using 3 Lowell lights, 2 behind 1/2 stop China silks. Our friend Matt ran boom.

After what seemed to be forever in make-up things rolled right together and we all had a great lunch after wrapping up the production. 9-11:45 make-up/costumes; 12-1 shoot. 1:30 lunch.

Editing took a good portion of the day Tuesday. About 6 hours including render time. Magic Bullet Dream Look preset is applied currently.

Once the suggested changes are made, and the owner approves the final version, I will replace the link to the file with a new render and repost to that effect.

The budget was 500 cash / 500 trade [food & bar]. I figured it would be a great place to have future meetings over lunch or cater an event. Was that a good deal?
vicmilt wrote on 4/28/2005, 7:33 PM
It's a GREAT deal..... for them - and if you had fun - a great deal for you too.

You build a career exactly in this manner - now you show this as your sample (and it's damn good) - and you double your rate.

Ask for double, but take what they can afford, and continue to build your reel. You are definitely "on the road". With each successful spot, you can continue to raise your rates. You new clients will let you know what the traffic will bear.

Good luck,