
slambubba wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:23 PM
so you are saying the microsoft owns mySQL? news to me.

are you maybe talking about SQL server?

if microsoft suggests people disable any software that has security problems, then shouldn't they start with themselves.

i think you need to get your information straight before posting.
rmack350 wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:32 PM
I think it is MS SQL, not Mysql.

I just turned the media manger feature off for a little bit. I'm trying to work and it's being a little suspect. Vegas was up to about 160 MB.

With the media manager off (in prefs) V6 loads pretty fast...

Rob Mack
ezway wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:39 PM
sorry slambubba,
No M$ does not own mysql they do however own and distribute the version of mysql dte that Sony has chosen to installed with VEGAS 6. A better question is why are you so unhappy about the truth?

Good things about VEGAS 6 is the HD works great, without error, but that is OT, back to mysql. Do you think that M$ does not understand these issues? They hosted the tele-con I attended. Buffer overflow is a huge concern, another idea maybe to give one an option to use the old media manager.

I do have my facts straight, again why are you so afraid of the truth, Vegas is a tool, not a cult, there are going to be good and bad things and each of us should express just as I did and you did in resonse. I do not wish to allow any application on my systems to access the internet at will, even the Holy Sony VEGAS 6 stamp of assurance. I hope thinking users of VEGas 6 will consider these security issues, simple, an exchange of idea's. see what Rob just said, he exchanged an idea, and is that not what a fourm is?
Best wishes,

rextilleon wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:39 PM
Well, you can do what most serious editors do--dedicate their machine to editing--stay off the Internet--You can get yourself an el-cheapo for browsing.
Grazie wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:45 PM
Rexy! I couldn't agree more. I keep the earnings AWAY from the Internet!

slambubba wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:54 PM
ezway - i don't know where you are coming up with the "why are you scared of the truth?". you say your facts are straight but you keep saying microsoft distributes a copy of MYSQL dte. that, i believe is wrong.

microsoft has sql server desktop edition (MSDE), but i have never heard of microsoft having anything to do with MYSQL. here is the microsoft page:

if vegas 6 is using MSDE (not MYSQL), i wonder if you can configure it to use SQL Server? i already have SQL Server on my development box.

i'm not trying to start a fight, i just think you have your acronyms mixed up.
Chienworks wrote on 4/18/2005, 4:59 PM
MySQL is open-source, and Microsoft usually avoids open-source projects as much as possible.
PumiceT wrote on 4/18/2005, 5:11 PM
Yeah.. MS SQL - NOT MySQL... People are so used to seeing and saying "MySQL" that they mess up. Clearly, that's what Ezway is doing. He's saying that Microsoft is ADMITTING that MS SQL is a security risk.

craftech wrote on 4/18/2005, 5:15 PM
I do not wish to allow any application on my systems to access the internet at will
Then you must not be running Windows XP or even Windows 2000. Neither of those will work unless you allow all sorts of garbage they generate to access the internet.

jlafferty wrote on 4/18/2005, 5:47 PM
Uhm, that's no true. You can disable/dismantle all those functions and use a firewall to prevent any unintended connections -- 2000 and XP still work fine.
B_JM wrote on 4/18/2005, 6:05 PM
Vegas uses Version 2000.80.760.0 Microsoft SQL Server , not mysql

Have you blocked access to TCP 1433 and UDP 1434 from all un-trusted clients? Thats about all you have to do (basic)

you can use the following tools to check for security issues and update sql

ezway wrote on 4/18/2005, 6:11 PM
OK When I installed VEGas 6 a modal dialog came up and said "installing microsoft MYSQL Server Desktop edition". i ran it again and yep that's what it said. Grazie told me when I first started that vEGAS was just a tool, this has served me so well. I thought this was my center piece and everything revolved around it, how wrong I was!

Microsoft has had huge security problems with their desktop version of MYsqL server, not because it is bad, rather people have exploited it's inherient weakness of dbeing a UNIX based data system.
The buffer over run is so well documented and I don't like the idea of Sony using it for a simple task of media managment.
Just my idea, not fighting just expressing.
we have a great tool for video editing and I feel slighted when the punch a hole in the security system I spend money money to put in place.
Tell me why I need the internet for media managment?
Yes I will use media across local 100base/t connections, but why would I want to have access to the internet for media retrivial or storage?
Please if I am missing somthing tell me?
Best Wishes,
BillyBoy wrote on 4/18/2005, 8:38 PM
You did pick up on a interesting shift Marty. There is a cult starting to form that are blind Vegas supporters every bit as anal and rabid as Mac freaks.

I voiced concerns about "media management" long ago and the usual crowd poo-pooed. Its curious that they tied in to ANY Internet method to build a database. Microsoft and security failings are the stuff of legends.

I still use Vegas, I still like Vegas, but joining some cult praising Vegas in the highest as the greatest thing since sliced bread while blindly igoring a growing list of issues apparently still not addressed and perhaps exposing users to known security risks isn't the direction Vegas should be heading.
Cheesehole wrote on 4/18/2005, 9:06 PM
Wow I just came here trying to figure out why Vegas wouldn't start up all the way unless I granted it access to the Internet... this has to do with the SQL based media manager?

I'm using Zone Alarm - it says Vegas60.exe is looking to connect to:

If I say Allow, vegas will start up. If I say Deny vegas just sits there frozen until I kill it with Task Manager.

hmmm now I've got it running with Zone Alarm. I'm not sure but something seems screwy.
rmack350 wrote on 4/18/2005, 10:25 PM
If you go and look up Services you'll see that MSSQL is what was installed.

So if you say the words MySQL during installation then you've found a typo. That's all.

Rob Mack
StrobeAlific wrote on 4/18/2005, 10:50 PM
Quess what everybody?

Have a firewall and/or router...or no internet connection at all on your Vegas computer, then you won't need to worry about it.
Grazie wrote on 4/18/2005, 11:03 PM
Been running my edit pc OFF the Internet since Nov 2003 - it works!

rcrawfor42 wrote on 4/19/2005, 5:08 AM
"Microsoft has had huge security problems with their desktop version of MYsqL server"

It was installing MS-SQL, not MySQL. Microsoft does not -- and has never, as far as I know -- distributed MySQL. I'll cheerfully be corrected if you can provide evidence, but when I installed V6 last night, I saw it installing MS-SQL.

God knows I've seen enough MySQL installs over the last ten years.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/19/2005, 7:21 AM

Ditto, Grazie, since 2001!

Chienworks wrote on 4/19/2005, 7:49 AM
Oddly enough, if you google "microsoft mysql" (which forces a match on the phrase rather than just finding pages that contain both words, if you see the difference), you get thousands of matches. I haven't bothered doing more than rapidly skimming the first couple that came up, but it appears that Microsoft does ineed provide a MySQL package in some cases.

Will wonders never cease?
rcrawfor42 wrote on 4/19/2005, 8:01 AM
"I haven't bothered doing more than rapidly skimming the first couple that came up, but it appears that Microsoft does ineed provide a MySQL package in some cases."

More likely they're talking about running MySQL on an MSFT OS. Again, I've NEVER heard of Microsoft distributing MySQL, and I'm 99% sure I would have. In fact, MySQL AB doesn't list MSFT as a partner of any type on their site.

In any case, if you're worried about the security of your PC, set up a firewall.
bStro wrote on 4/19/2005, 8:49 AM
Of course Microsoft warned you against using MySQL -- because it competes with one of their products! ;) Search the Microsoft site for mysql desktop server, and the only results you'll find are instructions for migrating from MySQL to MS SQL Server. In all likelihood, the "warning" you received was little more than a smokescreen on their part (just as they've "warned" people not to use Linux servers instead of NT or Win2000 servers).

That said, it was a version of MS SQL -- not MySQL -- that was installed with Vegas. Now, while that means it's not the SQL that Microsoft warned you about, I wouldn't be surprised if it really is unsecure. ;-)

rmack350 wrote on 4/19/2005, 8:59 AM
I have both and I'm not worried.

On the other hand, V6 starts really fast if you disable the media manager. Not that I'm advocating it. Just saying that starting the MSSQL services really adds to the startup time.

Rob Mack
rmack350 wrote on 4/19/2005, 9:01 AM
It just depends on what you're doing. Most of my work relies pretty heavily on web access so taking the edit system off the net is a non-starter

Rob Mack