Stack dump - Errors causing crashed anyone else having this problem?

DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 12:06 AM
this is a strange one.. (its also taken from my other post @ DVInfo

i can go into anything Vegas6 related, but as soon as i try to open a project, or import some media, or even create a new project, i get fatal exceptions with stack dump errors..
at the bottom of this message, is the crash report.
Aother thing is that with media manager, (SQL thingy) i can go through these blank template directories, but as soon as i try any other action, such as tag or import, it will also crash..

now this is a wierd one as im yet to see this happen to anyone so far apart from one guy who mentioned it crashed 5 times in as many minutes..

now im all for media management, hell this was what i was looking out for when i proclaimed i could ditch my Avid, but it seems to me that there are stil some major flaws in the program.

one thign to note (to those not in the know) is that Vegas has been totally rebuilt from the ground up. Its core code has been rebuilt and as such, from my understanding of the situration, due to security, all testing was done internally@Sony (even the distributors here in oz didnt get a chance to beta test) Hell we were all on gag order about its new features let alone get a chance to play with it..

Reason i mention the above is that teething problems like this are to be expected.. Personally though, being one of the bigger advocates and sellers of Vegas i woud have expected a little more from it. Afew more filters, afew new features within the filters themselves, (such as latch recording keyframes as seen in the surround panner, but for fitlers instead of having to draw in teh keyframes.. hell even midi suppot for XY Axis using CC messages would allow me to literally tweak a filters position as its playing back)

AAAAAAAANYWAYS>>> moving on.

IMO, sure show it at NAB, but they could have held back at least 4 weeks before distributing it. They could have said, yup, heres Vegas6, available on so and so day, instead of releasing it and gettin all this bad publicity.

First impressions last...

obviously the problems will be fixed.. hell even PC games are released months ahead before theyre ready simply due to the big guys saying that the kit must be available there and then.

needless to say, i still cant use my demo copy of Vegas and i wont be buying a full license until i learn the ins and outs of the new fetaures, but i cant do that until this crashing problem is resolved.
Even worse is taht i cant even sell the product to punters in this condition.. noone wants a buggy app.. i know PremPro has its issues, but it still works...

anywyas to the problem at hand..
some specs..
P4 2.4 non HT 533 fsb overclocked to 2.75ghz
Abit IT7max 2 mobo series2
1Gb Corsair DDR 400mhz XMS3200 ram
ATI Radeon 9550Pro (catalyst 4.1 drivers)
SBLive Audigy
Pyro firewire card as well as TI onboard (onboard for capuring and Pyro for external media drives)
2x WD 120gb HDD
2x Seagate 200gb HDD
1x Lacie external and a couple of obsure racks with WDs in them
Drives are not Raided or striped
Running XPPro SP1 (and dont ask me to update to SP2 as there are many other apps which will die coz of it.. )

now this config lets me run up to 3 instances of vegas 5 while rendering in another (4 in total)

After installing the MS databasing thingy, Vegas 6 loads up, and i can navigate through it, but any attempt at accessing anything within explorer or on any media drive and the app crashes big time

below is teh stack dump problem (by the way guys <to the Sony techs> im the same guy who had that AC3 metadata issue which was ditched after an update resovled the problem)

heres the error--------------------------------
Sony Vegas 6.0 TRIAL
Version 6.0a (Build 99)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0x587EB8
In Module 'vegas60.exe' at Address 0x400000 + 0x187EB8
Thread: GUI ID=0x884 Stack=0x10E000-0x130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=00587eb8 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=7c350420 SS=0023 ESP=0010e4fc EBP=00000000
ECX=00000000 DS=0023 ESI=0010f6f4 FS=003b
EDX=0010f75c ES=0023 EDI=00000034 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00587EB8: 8B 10 8D 4C 24 10 51 68 ...LQh
00587EC0: CC 3B 8E 00 50 FF 12 85 .;..P...
Stack Dump:
0010E4FC: 09B65320 09B20000 + 45320
0010E500: 000405F4 00030000 + 105F4
0010E504: 000E04CC 00030000 + B04CC
0010E508: 77D4546D 77D40000 + 546D (USER32.dll)
0010E50C: 00000020
0010E510: 00000000
0010E514: 00000000
0010E518: 00000000
0010E51C: 00000000
0010E520: 00000004
0010E524: 0000001A
0010E528: 000000D0
0010E52C: 0FC31C00 0FAA0000 + 191C00
0010E530: 0010E550 00030000 + DE550
0010E534: 77490D41 773D0000 + C0D41 (SHELL32.dll)
0010E538: 00011C00
> 0010E54C: 77FA88F0 77F50000 + 588F0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E550: 77F51C88 77F50000 + 1C88 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E568: 77E760DE 77E60000 + 160DE (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E578: 77F59037 77F50000 + 9037 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E580: 77FA88F0 77F50000 + 588F0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E584: 77F51C88 77F50000 + 1C88 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E58C: 77F59037 77F50000 + 9037 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E590: 77E760CB 77E60000 + 160CB (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E59C: 77E760DE 77E60000 + 160DE (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E5AC: 77FA88F0 77F50000 + 588F0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E5B0: 77F51C88 77F50000 + 1C88 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E5B8: 77F59037 77F50000 + 9037 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E5C8: 77E94809 77E60000 + 34809 (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E5CC: 77E83288 77E60000 + 23288 (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E5D4: 77E760DE 77E60000 + 160DE (kernel32.dll)
> 0010E5D8: 7745CF88 773D0000 + 8CF88 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E5E0: 774D5A77 773D0000 + 105A77 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E5EC: 774D5AA3 773D0000 + 105AA3 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E5F8: 773E476C 773D0000 + 1476C (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E5FC: 7748138D 773D0000 + B138D (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E664: 77FA88F0 77F50000 + 588F0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E668: 77F51C78 77F50000 + 1C78 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E670: 77F58A3A 77F50000 + 8A3A (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E674: 771C064E 771B0000 + 1064E (ole32.dll)
> 0010E684: 771C0672 771B0000 + 10672 (ole32.dll)
> 0010E688: 772BB040 771B0000 + 10B040 (ole32.dll)
> 0010E690: 70A95D18 70A70000 + 25D18 (SHLWAPI.dll)
> 0010E6A0: 77434854 773D0000 + 64854 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E6AC: 77498155 773D0000 + C8155 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E6C4: 7197B2CA 71950000 + 2B2CA (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E6D4: 7197B2B0 71950000 + 2B2B0 (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E710: 7197B2B0 71950000 + 2B2B0 (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E714: 7747F7C4 773D0000 + AF7C4 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E730: 77481FD2 773D0000 + B1FD2 (SHELL32.dll)
> 0010E748: 77F944A8 77F50000 + 444A8 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E760: 77D43B1F 77D40000 + 3B1F (USER32.dll)
> 0010E768: 77FA88F0 77F50000 + 588F0 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E76C: 77F53870 77F50000 + 3870 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E774: 77F944A8 77F50000 + 444A8 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E778: 77F57D70 77F50000 + 7D70 (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E77C: 77F58A3A 77F50000 + 8A3A (ntdll.dll)
> 0010E798: 77D479E6 77D40000 + 79E6 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E79C: 77D47A22 77D40000 + 7A22 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E7C0: 77D47A3C 77D40000 + 7A3C (USER32.dll)
> 0010E7D4: 763B8BCE 763B0000 + 8BCE (comdlg32.dll)
> 0010E7F4: 77D44092 77D40000 + 4092 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E804: 77D454B4 77D40000 + 54B4 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E808: 0085DEF8 00400000 + 45DEF8 (vegas60.exe)
0010E80C: 0185E770 017E0000 + 7E770
0010E810: 00000000
0010E814: 00000000
0010E818: 00000000
> 0010E824: 71979A0A 71950000 + 29A0A (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E83C: 7197960C 71950000 + 2960C (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E8A0: 7197960C 71950000 + 2960C (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E8C4: 77D44092 77D40000 + 4092 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E8C8: 7197B2B0 71950000 + 2B2B0 (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E8CC: 77D44092 77D40000 + 4092 (USER32.dll)
> 0010E8D0: 7197B2B0 71950000 + 2B2B0 (COMCTL32.dll)
> 0010E8D8: 77D440BD 77D40000 + 40BD (USER32.dll)

If need be, i can reproduce the problem and record video as i rn the steps using Camtasia. I can then get NM here in Sydney to upload it to ur ftp if u like??


DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:26 AM
so noone else is having crashes???
from what i have read so far, im nto the only one experiencing crashes..

would be good to hear of others' experience...
norgeworks wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:30 AM
Doesn't this count?

I've got plenty of crashes--this one at least spat out an error I could copy and paste. You're not alone (unfortunately).
SonyIMC wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:40 AM
Lets try to isolate the problem

Are you solely crashing in Vegas 6 and not in Vegas 5?

If you start with clean prefs do you crash? (Hold Shift and Ctrl while launching Vegas)

Have you tried closing all other programs that might be running in your machine? (and test to see if you still crash)

Also, a step by step list of actions done (the repro) would be handy. Even if it seems ovious to you. Example,
1. Launch Vegas
2. Select File Open
3. In file open browse to file foo.avi
4. Select file and press open
5. Crash


norgeworks wrote on 4/20/2005, 10:51 AM
I'll try tonight. Going off memory to give you a head start (maybe):

vegas 5 works fine on the same system
vegas 6 crashes when:

1. Launch Vegas
2. Select Media Import
3. In media import browse to 10 second HUFF.avi
4. Select file and open
5. Play file out through firewire
6. Crash


1. Launch Vegas
2. Select Media Import
3. In media import browse to QT
4. Select file and open
5. Play file out through firewire-choppy
6. RAM Render
7. Play file
8. Crash
DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 5:54 PM
Lets try to isolate the problem
((Groovy thank you :) ))

"Are you solely crashing in Vegas 6 and not in Vegas 5?"

((Yes ONLY V6, is killing itself, V5 is rock solid on this system and i can literally prerender a part of the project, AND work on the same project in another instance without affecting it (but thats beside the point,)The point being that i can do anything on the system while vegas5 is running.
At the most ive had 3 instances running alongside DVDA2, soundforge, Orion Pro as a sound module (routed through Virtual audio cable, back into Vegas) and sequencer controlling a Yamaha RS7000 (also using ASIO Drivers as is every instance of V5) and the system has been solid with ASIO latency at 10ms.
Thats as ar as i can go with this system config... any more and my page file goes a lil wonky and i get sporadic random frames (this is a page file issue easily dealt with by saving and closing then reopening V5.) but even with this, V5, still works a treat.

V6 however was just run as is.. nothing fancy like the above.
Even killing off the Virtual audio cable frm the system does nothign to alleviate the problem

"If you start with clean prefs do you crash? (Hold Shift and Ctrl while launching Vegas)"

Launching Vegas takes approximately 2 minutes as opposed to 15 seconds with V5.
And thats with media manager disabled.
I shut it down..
I also have sygate firewall installed and have given V6 permission to fone home....
Anywyas, i hld down shift and control this time and v6 launches in 30 seconds.

"Have you tried closing all other programs that might be running in your machine? (and test to see if you still crash)"

((yes.. everything systematically possible is off and it still dies.. ))

Also, a step by step list of actions done (the repro) would be handy. Even if it seems ovious to you. Example,

1. Launch Vegas
2. Select File Open and its crashed again as soon as i clicked Open.

3. go into task manager, kill off sqlsrvr.exe

1. Launch vegas
2.go to media pool,
3. click on import media and it crashed jsut like the above

1. Launch Vegas
2 select new
3. set preferences
4. go to vegas explorer
5. Click and drag files onto timeline
6. All seems to be ok

Same as above, but using windows explorer instead


Same as aboce,

1.instead of using Vegas explorer, using Media Pool
2. click on impot media (second on the left)
3. Crash with same stack dump error

these were repeated with preferances also set to disable the database

thanks again guys, hopefully we can sort this issue out soon
DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 6:03 PM
I just uninstalled V6 and opened up V5 to continue working on a project which has to be delivered tonihgt... and guess what, all my fuggin Sony plugins which were in use within the project were also uninstalled.

now im NOT happy...



Like i need this sh*t now............................

can u explain to me what the hell V6 has to do with my plugins? I mean seriosuly i still use Soundforge 6.. so it i wanted to sell or altogether ditch Vegas ur telling me that all my plugins would also be uninstalled?? Even though i initially installed them with V5??

Fark me for a joke, im gettin really irate .. V6 glitches i can handle, but fuggin around with my other installed elements such as plugins really annoys me.. its taken me years to accumulate a good stable configuration with all my audio gear and i dont need a half hacked application killing off my workstation piece by piece.

>:( FAAAARRRK!!!!!!!!!

DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 6:18 PM
one of the reason i killed off Liquid 6 and rejected the offer to Beta Test it was due to the way it managed files during install, during operation and execution as well as during uninstallation.
It literally shredded workstations no matter what it did....
im hoping i can salvage this now..

lucky for me.. i just launched V5 after running a system restore back in time..

I think ill leave V6 off this system until the problems are alleviated, ive got too much to lose by letting it take this much control of my program and plugin management.

No doubt v6 is good, but im happy to wait for a solid working version... even if it means paying a lil extra for it..
sorry about the blasting earlier, i was just panicked and really quite over it..

oh on eother thing guys..
Wheni installed V6, it also rewrote my registry to V5... i use a different name when i run demos as i know alot of demos fone home when installed which i despise... and half the time i kill off the demos.. but at least these vendors dont have my details, until i want tehm to ....
with Vegas, i let it fone home due to the MS database thingy.. anywyas everytime it did fone home, i let it pass thru sygate.. all good..
Go to V5 however and this aka demo name i use has actaully been used to overwrite my existing install..
Not good if ur wanting to run 2 different licenses on different machines but using both V5 and V6 said machine...

(and if ur wondering why anyone would want to retain V5 after installing V6, its due to the render while u work workflow i have.. V6 multi-threads the rendering process, in turn killing off alot of other resources... sometimes we dont have that luxury and must do things laterally. and i dont want to risk losing a working system...) Ok rant over. time for a coffee and a smoke i think.. i need to calm down..

randygo wrote on 4/20/2005, 6:40 PM

Yikes that's scary. I'm glad I installed the Vegas 6 demo on a different machine!

Screwed up DirectX plugins are especially heinous to clean up. The last problem I had like that involved getting into the registry and cleaning up the mess. I think there is a tool somewhere that helps clean out screwed-up DirectX plugins.

The nice thing about VST, at least, is they do not mess with nor require the Windows registry.

If what you say is true, there are going to be many unhappy customers when the Vegas 6 demo expires and they uninstall it leaving their Vegas 5 configuration trashed!

DJPadre wrote on 4/20/2005, 7:04 PM
"The nice thing about VST, at least, is they do not mess with nor require the Windows registry."

and the fact that u can install just by copying and pasting the DLL into one set VST directory without any fuss and bother..

I really dont know what the fuss was all about with the VST effects though, when u can get programs like Amulet or VST Adapter2.0 whch will let u run VSTs in a DX environment..(even crazy plugins like Orange Vocoder and stenberg chopper work perfectly.. ) hell ive been doing it since soundforge 4 on my win98 system..
Ive also been using quite afew VST mastering tools in Vegas with no problem..

as for salvaging the problem, i set a restore point 6hours before i installed v6..
i just ran it and luckily it saved my ass..

DJPadre wrote on 4/25/2005, 10:23 PM
Any feedback guys???
Im a little paranoid about trying it again.. :(