One final question about DVDA-3

Samus wrote on 4/18/2005, 6:40 PM
This may even be a feature in DVDA-2 but I couldn't figure it out.
Let's say I want to have ONE thumbnail on my menu, and it changes when I choose the text title, can I do that? For example, you have a list of 10 music videos on the left side, and on the right side, there is one thumbnail video playing, and the video thumbnail you see corresponds to which title is highlited on the left.

I hope I am making sense, sorry if my enlgish is bad. Thanks so much!


Samus wrote on 4/19/2005, 2:12 AM
Thanks! Maybe there is a workaround in DVD Architect though? Maybe there is a way to have all the thumbnails invisible (through a transparent gif for example) yet when highlited they show up. Anything like that to produce this effect?
Chienworks wrote on 4/19/2005, 4:28 AM
Since the contents of the DVD are nothing more than MPEG-2 streams, i would think that the only way to accomplish this would be to have a separate menu and media for each thumbnail you wanted to show, and have the navagation jump to each menu as necessary.
SonySDB wrote on 4/19/2005, 5:07 AM
You can accomplish this by making a separate menu for each button. On each menu, all but one button are set to auto-activate and link to another menu (i.e. the appropriate menu for the button selected). The "main" button for each menu should be selected by default and it is not auto-activate and links to video as normal.
Samus wrote on 4/19/2005, 2:05 PM
SonyDSB, that would be okay but I want background music, thus the music would start over every time someone hits the down key. Not to mention the huge lag.
ScottW wrote on 4/19/2005, 3:09 PM
No matter what you do or what authoring package you use, you will be changing menus, so everything will start over on the new menu.

My suggestion would be to pick a background music that is repetitious and fairly low volume so that the viewer will, for the most part, ignore the transition.

Another option is to think about how to cover the transition with a sound effect - for example, the background video is a sunset as viewed from the beach - when you transition to the new menu your audio starts with the sound of a wave gently crashing against the beach and then you move into your music.
