Installing Plug-ins

Tommo wrote on 4/7/2005, 5:58 AM
Hi everyone, I am new to Vegas and I am having some problems installing third party plug-ins, I have recently got Boris FX 7 on the assurance of a friend that it was good.

However after installing the plug-in I could not find it in Vegas at all. I read somewhere that when installing the plug-ins it should find Vegas as a route to install to, this was not the case with me.

I tried installing the program directly into Vegas video plug-ins folder but this didn't make matters any better. I am using Vegas 5 by the way if this makes any difference.

Can someone please help me?

Thank you


planders wrote on 4/7/2005, 8:27 AM
Boris is a little unusual among plugins; it's both a standalone program and a plugin, and its Vegas integration isn't exactly tight.

When going through setup, you should've had a chance near the beginning to select which editor plugin(s) to install by clicking checkboxes; Vegas would've been one of the choices. Then, after the standalone files were installed, it would offer to install the Vegas plugin files, and give you a chance to specify a folder; you'd probably need to change it from the Vegas 4 location to Vegas 5, since the installer doesn't appear to actually scan for the program.

Once that's done, you should see Boris FX as a plugin in both the transitions and video FX browsers; which one you use depends on the circumstances.