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Subject:SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Posted by: dj_kwest
Date:3/24/2005 1:49:55 AM

Each and every time I attempt to extract audio from a CD I get the BSOD right after it claims to be "searching for devices"... after some troubleshooting I have concluded it's not my drive... Nero and Windows media can extract just fine from it... funny thing is, it used to work fine.. then I started removing plugins and other apps in preparation to format, then it stopped working.. In any case, I reformatted, and now on this FRESH copy of XP and FRESH install of SF 8, same thing happpens. I installed the latest ASPI driver (471a2) and still crashing religiously... aaargh!
Can anyone advise?

Subject:RE: SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Reply by: billybk
Date:3/24/2005 6:22:51 AM

Hey, I know it does not help you solve your problem, but the CD extract is working fine, for me, with SF8. I just drag and drop, the CD tracks, from the Media Explorer window, to the Sound Forge workspace, extracts fine with no issues.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Reply by: drbam
Date:3/24/2005 8:46:56 AM

>>I just drag and drop, the CD tracks, from the Media Explorer window, to the Sound Forge workspace, extracts fine with no issues. <<

Yes, but have you tried using "Extract Audio from CD" within SF8? I think that what the original post is referring to.


Subject:RE: SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Reply by: billybk
Date:3/24/2005 5:58:49 PM

Yes, but have you tried using "Extract Audio from CD" within SF8? I think that what the original post is referring to.

Yes, of course I did, right after I did the drag & drop, from the Media Explorer. The results are exactly the same. "Extract Audio from CD" is essentially the same process whether you initiate it from the File menu and select a CD track or simply drag and drop that same CD track from the Media Explorer onto your workspace. It also works the same whether I use SF8, on my laptop or my desktop DAW.

Billy Buck

Message last edited on3/24/2005 6:09:40 PM bybillybk.
Subject:RE: SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Reply by: MyST
Date:3/24/2005 6:23:31 PM

Mine works fine detecting from either one of my 2 drives.
I select which drive I want to use, and the tracks appear. I then select one and it loads fine.


Subject:RE: SF8 *CRASH* on CD Extract....
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:3/29/2005 8:13:25 AM

Have you tried toggling the "Use ASPI for CD burning and extracting" pref in the list on the General page in the Sound Forge preferences? It is off by default as ASPI is not always the preferred method of CD access. Try turning it on and see if it makes a difference for you.


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