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Subject:SF8 WaveHammer bug
Posted by: Steven Myers
Date:3/28/2005 9:51:38 AM

Paid for SF8. Input serial number. Registered on-line. All that stuff.

WaveHammer comes up in demo mode and puts random beeps into the file. This is a bug, IMO.

Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:3/28/2005 10:10:26 AM

This is the first I've heard of this, I'd guess that it's more likely a registration/registry related issue than a true bug. I've tried on all my test machines and I cannot get WaveHammer to open in demo mode on any release build I have tested under any OS.

What is the current status of your machine? OS? Account type (Admin, Power User, etc)? What versions of Forge have you had installed in the past? Anything else I should know about. like aggressive antivirus software or anything of the sort?


Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: Steven Myers
Date:3/28/2005 11:12:31 AM


> OS?
XP Home

> Account type (Admin, Power User, etc)?

> What versions of Forge have you had installed in the past?
If I take this question literally, the answer would be 4, 5, 6, and 7.
If I I infer that you meant _since I upgraded the mobo and CPU and did a clean install of XP_, the answer would be 7.

> Anything else I should know about. like aggressive antivirus software or anything of the sort?
No antivirus running in the background. Nothing running in the background, unless XP flat requires it.

If you can think of a registry hack that would solve this problem, that would be great. Thanks.


Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: Steven Myers
Date:3/28/2005 11:47:07 AM

Maybe I should add that I installed SF8 before uninstalling SF7. Such a thing hasn't been a problem in the past, but maybe it is now.

Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: Steven Myers
Date:3/28/2005 12:02:47 PM

Uninstalled SF8. Cleaned up registry. Reinstalled 8. WaveHammer works now. This shouldn't have been necessary, but what the heck.

Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: drbam
Date:3/28/2005 4:06:01 PM

Did you reinstall SF7 as well and if so, is it also working for you? If SF8 requires completely uninstalling SF7 to work properly, then I would consider this in and of itself a major bug. If this is the case, then its certainly a deal breaker and I'll pass on this upgrade.


Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: Steven Myers
Date:3/28/2005 4:21:22 PM

> Did you reinstall SF7 as well ... ?


Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:3/29/2005 8:28:22 AM

Glad you are up and running!

To reply to some of the posts since mine:

If I take this question literally, the answer would be 4, 5, 6, and 7.
If I I infer that you meant _since I upgraded the mobo and CPU and did a clean install of XP_, the answer would be 7.

Yes, of course I meant since your last clean install on the machine. 4.0? Wow. You've been with SoFo and now Sony almost as long as me! <g>

If SF8 requires completely uninstalling SF7 to work properly, then I would consider this in and of itself a major bug. If this is the case, then its certainly a deal breaker and I'll pass on this upgrade.

Sound Forge 8.0 should not and does not require the removal of any other version or copy of our software. This is part of our testing plan before release and 7.0 and 8.0 coexist on a system without trouble. My question was just to give me a better idea of the current state of his registry and filesystem regarding our software.

Subject:RE: SF8 WaveHammer bug
Reply by: zadam
Date:3/29/2005 11:50:06 AM

Same problem as tididit, I have SoFo 5-6-7-8 and Vegas 4-5 installed on my machine, and am using them alternatively. Is it necessary to uninstall SoFo 7?

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