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Subject:Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Posted by: CromeDome
Date:3/23/2005 11:31:31 AM

Perhaps this has been discussed and I've missed it. If so, I extend my apologies. I'm trying to determine whether or not I need to purchase ACID Pro and SoundForge or just ACID Pro, and I figure the best way to get help with this is explain what I'm looking for.

In the past, I have used SoundForge for quick voice recordings as well as audio remastering. I'm a collector of live concert music, and the quality of what I receive often leaves much to be desired. Part of my fun has come from cleaning these up, and SoundForge has been a great tool for that.

I also do video editing for family and friends, and ACID seems like it will be very helpful creating soundtracks for videos done in Vegas. I'd also like to help some of my more musically inclined friends record and produce a high-quality CD. ACID does do the same kinds of multi-track recording as something like ProTools, yes?

Will ACID fill alll of my needs, or should I still purchase both products? Thanks for whatever information you can provide!

Subject:RE: Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:3/23/2005 3:49:47 PM

Acid does not work like Vegas. Yes, it looks very similar, but the idea of tracks and multi-tracking specifics is very different. What does Vegas do, that Acid doesn't?
1. You can record more than 1 track at a time in Vegas.
2. You have "auto input" monitoring in Vegas
3. You can "punch-in" on a track in Vegas
4. You can do a composite edit on a single track of multiple recorded takes in Vegas.

In Acid you can't do none of those things I mentioned above.

The only benefit you will have with Acid over Vegas is that Acid has a "global" tempo control slider. What that means is you can change all the tempos on loops assembled in Acid by just adjusting the Project tempo with the tempo slider. Vegas doesn't have this. In Vegas you have one master project tempo. Therefore when you import loops on to a track in Vegas that have been Acidized, they will be tempo matched to the current project tempo. Adjusting the Vegas project tempo will not adjust all the Acidized loops like it does in Acid, they remain at the tempo at which you imported them at. In Vegas you need to edit each individual loop to change it's tempo. Vegas does have Acid loop support, so you can loop events, by dragging on their edge and extending their loop duration.

I would download the demo of Acid and you will get a much better feel of what Acid has over Vegas in the loop arrangement features, but as far as multi-track recording and editing Vegas beats Acid hands down. In Acid, you have one media file per audio track....that's it. If you want to edit multiple recorded takes together on a track you can't, because that would take 2 seperate media files, one for each take. In Acid you would record take 1 on track#1. Record take 2 on track #2, then edit them together by sliding and trimming the media around on their own individual track.

You'll soon discover the pita that a lot of users are complaining about in the Acid and Vegas Audio forums, because we want both capabilities in one app. Once you download the Acid Demo and learn more how it works, then browse on over to this discussion in the Vegas audio forum:

Subject:RE: Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Reply by: hat3k
Date:3/24/2005 2:10:59 PM

the question is going out itself: why not to make one product of theese two products (ACID and Vegas)?

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