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Subject:Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Posted by: CromeDome
Date:3/23/2005 11:31:55 AM

Perhaps this has been discussed and I've missed it. If so, I extend my apologies. I'm trying to determine whether or not I need to purchase ACID Pro and SoundForge or just ACID Pro, and I figure the best way to get help with this is explain what I'm looking for.

In the past, I have used SoundForge for quick voice recordings as well as audio remastering. I'm a collector of live concert music, and the quality of what I receive often leaves much to be desired. Part of my fun has come from cleaning these up, and SoundForge has been a great tool for that.

I also do video editing for family and friends, and ACID seems like it will be very helpful creating soundtracks for videos done in Vegas. I'd also like to help some of my more musically inclined friends record and produce a high-quality CD. ACID does do the same kinds of multi-track recording as something like ProTools, yes?

Will ACID fill alll of my needs, or should I still purchase both products? Thanks for whatever information you can provide!

Subject:RE: Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:3/23/2005 12:55:06 PM

> ACID does do the same kinds of multi-track recording as something like ProTools, yes?

No, not exactly. ACID does not do multi-track recording at all. It does single-track recording and multi-track playback. So if you only need to record one track at a time, ACID can do this. If, however, you want to record a band on multiple tracks at once, ACID will not do this. You can use Vegas to do multi-track audio recording.


Subject:RE: Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Reply by: CromeDome
Date:3/23/2005 1:21:15 PM

Very good to know. Thanks for the info.

As for my other questions. . . should I still pick up SoundForge? It seems to me I still need it for some things, but I've never used ACID so I'm not sure.

Thanks again!

Subject:RE: Comparing ACID Pro and SoundForge
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:3/23/2005 1:36:24 PM

Yes, I would still pick up Sound Forge. ACID is great for composing music but cannot to the same sample accurate editing that Sound Forge can. I use them both.


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