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Subject:Markers' behavior very annoying
Posted by: John 17:17
Date:3/17/2005 8:06:44 PM

I believe the behavior of markers needs to be revamped.

Here's my first disppointment. After recording the audio from side 1 of an lp, I create markers throughout the audio segment indicating tracks. Then I double click in-between markers to select a track, and hit CTRL-E to paste the track to a new file for itself. All is well so far. The orange markers are on both ends of the song. But when I hit CTRL-S to save it as Track 5, the markers disappear! But I don't like things disappearing if I don't delete them. Is this intended behavior? How would I keep the markers there if I wanted them to remain?

The second is a major annoyance. After recording the audio, as I said, I press M to create markers. But when I use CTRL-right arrow or CTRL-left arrow to move from one marker to another, the marker shows up in the audio as close to the edge of the screen as is physically possible! Uggh! Why can't the markers show up in the center of the screen like they used to in previous versions of SF, so I can see the samples on BOTH sides of the marker, not just on the one side? When I move from one marker to another using CTRL-left arrow and CTRL-right arrow, I have to constantly scroll over to be able to see what I'm working with. That's a waste of time, and time is money.

The big deal is this: when I'm recording from an lp and hear a skip, my technique is to allow SF to continue to record while I lift the needle and begin playing again just before the skip occurs, until it no longer skips (don't tell anybody I press down slightly on the needle with a pencil eraser :) ). When I'm all done and am working on the file in SF, I put one marker before the skip and one marker after the skip in approximately the same position of the song. Then I zoom in closer and closer, comparing one marker with the other, and analyzing their surrounding samples, and repositioning the two markers to be in precisely the right location so that when I delete the stuff between the markers (the skip along with some repeated audio), there will be a seamless continuation of the song. (Hope that makes sense.) Well, that's why it's important to go from one marker to the other, to make sure the second one picks up precisely where the first one left off. But it's no fun when I can't readily see the audio on either side of the markers. What good does it do to shove them to the edge of the screen? This is not an improvement from the way markers behaved in SF XP.

Message last edited on3/17/2005 8:12:47 PM byJohn 17:17.
Subject:RE: Markers' behavior very annoying
Reply by: snicholshms
Date:3/18/2005 12:13:35 AM

What version of Sound Forge are you using?

Subject:RE: Markers' behavior very annoying
Reply by: Sonic
Date:3/18/2005 7:33:06 AM

1) Saving markers: When you save, be sure "Save metadata with file" is checked. If it is, what format are you saving to.

2) Ctrl+Left/Right: This appears to be a bug. I will see that it is addressed in the first update. In the meantime, you might want to acquaint yourself with the '\' (backslash) key, which centers the caret on the screen.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Subject:RE: Markers' behavior very annoying
Reply by: John 17:17
Date:3/18/2005 8:45:01 PM

I'm using SF 8.

Ok, the backslash works--that's exactly what I'd like to have happen, but without having to press it! Pressing the \ key is one key-stroke too many, and it shouldn't be necessary. Is there a way the programmers can go revert to the way the markers worked in SF XP so that I don't need to press the \ key every time I want the markers centered? The markers should ALWAYS be centered whenever you go from one to the other. What's the point of slamming them against the very edge of the screen when going from one to the other? How is that prank supposed to help anyone? If a user wants to see the marker, he doesn't just want to see one side of it; he wants to see both sides of it; in other words, he wants the marker centered at all times (IMHO).

Subject:RE: Markers' behavior very annoying
Reply by: Sonic
Date:3/19/2005 8:38:24 AM

To quote my previous post:

"This appears to be a bug. I will see that it is addressed in the first update."


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