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Subject:Bug Report: SF8 - Saving New File
Posted by: Vocalpoint
Date:3/15/2005 9:57:11 AM

Okay - so I am stumped now - something simple:

1. Click the New Icon and create a new stereo 44,100 file
2. New empty sound window pops up.
3. Open an existing stereo sound file (for my test I had some data copied to the clipboard to save me from opening extra files all the time)
3. Drag or copy/paste data into new sound file just created.
4. Click Save Icon and save file with default filename as a standard .wav (Microsoft) file using the Default template. Click Save
5. Back in Forge - notice that your new file still has an asterisk in the upper left corner of the window indicating that the file still has some changes that need to be saved.
6. Click Save icon again...note that you are prompted with the Save As dialog again using the same settings as last save.

So - what's the deal? Can I not just hit CTRL-S after some edits on my file during the session without being prompted with the File dialog and a question to overwrite every time? Worse still is if I try to close the file window or the program - I get prompted again and again with "do you want to save changes to Sound9?"

If I have 20 or 30 files open - this is a nightmare. Can anyone confirm? Do I have a setting that is ass-backwards somewhere?

Update when you can.


Message last edited on3/15/2005 10:01:09 AM byVocalpoint.
Subject:RE: Bug Report: SF8 - Saving New File
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:3/15/2005 10:19:21 AM


I just followed your step by step instructions, but in Step 5 the asterisk disappears and my file is no longer marked "edited". I am seeing the behavior that you desire everytime. Is it possible you aren't saving to WAV? I cannot think of any pref change or similar that would produce the behavior you describe.


Message last edited on3/15/2005 10:21:33 AM bySonyNateM.
Subject:RE: Bug Report: SF8 - Saving New File
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:3/15/2005 10:59:31 AM


Made some progress here but I am little unclear as to why this is happening.

Under Options->Prefs there are two checkboxes:

1. Automatically reopen file after Save As
2. Prompt to open new file after Save As.

If both of these checks are on - the save works as intended.

However - take the first one off and do a save to a different format - say .wav to .wma and Forge closes my original working .wav and opens the newly saved .wma file. Definitely not what I want.

Take the second one of as well and I can recreate my original problem scenario.

If I leave 1 off and put 2 on - I get the annoying prompt asking if I want to open the newly saved file in a new window.

Can I not just open a new file - save it to wav....and then do Save As to other formats without any prompting or replacing or reopening of newly created files?

I work exclusively with .wav files...I want my master recordings open and to stay open while I do a Save As...Wavelab, Nuendo etc etc do not do just do a Save As (or Export) to a selected format and the original stays where it and ready for more action.

Maybe I simply do not understand the logic behind this....

Update when you can.


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