Layout Icons 2.0

Nat wrote on 3/2/2005, 3:10 PM
I updated my layout icons package. The package consists of 2 folders : "Views - Recall" and "Views - Save". You will need to place the 2 folders in the Script Menu of Vegas.

In each folder you will find 10 scripts that will allow you to either save or recall a window layout. Each script as an icon so you can place them on the toolbar and it will look nice. I added the "Views - Save" folder in this release and corrected a bug with View #10.

You can download the script form the Vasst site here

The original code snippet that makes those script work was done by someone else but I can't remember who, if you're listening, please tell me so I can credit you on this. I packaged the whole thing and made the icons.

Edit : Recalling/saving a preset for the first time using those scripts will always be slower than the following executions, so once you have recalled/saved something once, it'll get faster if you click again.

Thanks and enjoy,


Spot|DSE wrote on 3/2/2005, 3:19 PM
Thanks for the script, Nat. We'll have the site back up in no time. Just trying to put out some other fires at the moment. Very cool script!!
Nat wrote on 3/2/2005, 8:14 PM
The script is now available on the Vasst site.
Jason_Abbott wrote on 3/2/2005, 8:22 PM
The VASST site changes make it easier to link directly to resources. Nat's is here.