
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/20/2005, 10:33 PM
The credit roll media generator in Vegas is pretty limited.

You do have the option for three types of credit line styles (Title, Sub Item, Two Column). For each version you can set the font style/size/color etc. Beyond that... you cannot customize it any more.

You might want to use the copy of Graffiti LTD that you got with V5... as that allows you to have unlimited control over it's version of the credit roll.
Spot|DSE wrote on 2/20/2005, 10:36 PM
You might want to try the demo of Cayman RFS as well, it's got lots of control over the credit rolls, and the pro version gives you 1000 layers with unlimited rolls on top of the 1000 layers. Pretty crazy.
theforce wrote on 2/20/2005, 10:47 PM
It's too bad that Vegas is kinda weak on titles and credit rolls. You can do them, but it's not very automated. I hate to admit that I resort to Pinnacle Studio occasionally because it is simple and intuitive to do credit rolls with it, although it also has its limitations. Maybe V6 will finally improve in that area... we can only hope!
editcircle wrote on 2/21/2005, 1:40 AM
Since I don't have Graffiti or Cayman softwares is there any way I ceate credits with the text media generator?
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/21/2005, 2:01 AM
If you have V5 - you DO have Graffiti Ltd. It comes with it.
JL wrote on 2/21/2005, 2:36 AM
I’ve found it quick and easy to prepare the credits in Word, formatting and all, and simply copy and paste into the Credit Roll Media Generator where it says “insert text” after first deleting the above 4 lines showing text layout styles (Title text, Subitem text, Item left, etc.).

Caruso wrote on 2/21/2005, 2:45 AM
No need to be embarrassed about using Studio for this function. I've suffered many a pain in the past because Studio, simple and promising ap that it is, never seemed to deliver just when I had a deadline to meet. It's redeeming strength, however, is its titling program. Not fancy, but very intuitive. What you see is what you'll get. Simple text (annotation overlays, etc) are very simple using Vegas' text generator. Rolling credits, if you do them manually, are doable, but, IMO, not simple. The scrolling text plug in is very constrained in terms of formatting. For scrolling credits, like you, I still resort to Studio's Title Deiko. Works every time. I render the result and pull it to the Vegas timeline. Finished.

I wish I had time to master Boris. I know it's not rocket science, but, wading through how to use the product while, at the same time, trying to filter out and distinguish between my own mistakes and the deliberately disabled features, given the weak documentation, is simply too much for me. I wish they had just given us a watered down version, or documentation edited to deal with the partially disabled version that they provided. Instead, they give us instructions that show us how to use the fully enabled version, and leave it to us to determine that this or that doesn't work, not because we haven't understood the documentation, but, because, in our "version" the feature is disabled. For me, it might be better not to even have the program.

Sorry to rant, but, this subject touches my special "button."

Good luck to the original poster in creating your credit rolls. It can be done in Vegas, but, other aps are more intuitive.
