
Former user wrote on 2/17/2005, 12:48 PM
Mostly CPU.

Spot|DSE wrote on 2/17/2005, 1:34 PM
CPU, drive speed, bus speed are the biggies, but there are a few things tossed into the mix.
Network rendering is used by several of us, I think. It's not worth it for small projects/short projects, IMO.
johnmeyer wrote on 2/17/2005, 4:49 PM
Anything can be a bottleneck (if you had a 128K RAM system, for instance), but having made that disclaimer, in most cases it is almost entirely the CPU: Double the CPU power, halve the render time.
B_JM wrote on 2/17/2005, 4:55 PM
yep =- cpu is most important

you dont even need a graphic card for rendering (in vegas that is , some application now use the graphics car also for rendering - like the nvidia plug in for maya and renderman and some other applications)
Mr_fps wrote on 2/17/2005, 7:23 PM
Yes, with Vegas is all cpu crunching. Also a big difference is made when you have physically separate drives. Optimally:
1. System
2. working or source material
3. Render drive

the_learninator wrote on 2/17/2005, 8:11 PM
well i have a 1.4 ghz

i have a intel d850gb mobo and i think the highest you can upgrade to on it is a 2.0 ghz

so I might just have to get another cpu mobo combo....wanna stick with intel and p4 cuz i dont wanna have to buy new ram to.

that's a little down the road. i just bought a 200GB western digital and a nvideo 256 meg agp..with s-video and dvi capabilties

i plan on gettin an s-video capabilities so i can preview it on the tv. I'm slowly but surely building a video studio :)
TheHappyFriar wrote on 2/17/2005, 8:35 PM
Intel has nothing to do with the ram (unless it's RDram, which i don't think is used much anymore anyway, it's all DDR. The ram mostly depends on FSB too: 133fpb needs 266 (133x2) DDR, etc. So, if you bought a P4-3.0ghz MB you'd need new ram anyways). But, the S-Video won't give you output preview. You need a firewire to analog converter to do that (I think someone, somewhere said that you can have NVidia preview via s-vid from Vegas, but not sure).
the_learninator wrote on 2/17/2005, 10:42 PM
lol that's what i'm talkin about

nvidia s-video out (via VV external preview option) to s-video input on tv

that should work right :D