
Spot|DSE wrote on 2/12/2005, 9:25 PM
TGA is the best format, but PNG is usually just fine too, depending on the content of the image. JPEG, GIF, BMP are also usable.
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/12/2005, 9:36 PM
How to import it in?

Import the Image file into Vegas (just like you would any other video asset).

Drag onto the time-line... stretch the event to be any lenght you want.... re-size it using track-motion (or Pan/Crop... although Track-Motion will likely be better for you).

If your logo has transparent areas then you will need to make sure to save it from your graphics program in a format that preserves transparency (PNG, TGA, PSD, GIF.. etc.. but not JPEG).
loverbryant wrote on 2/13/2005, 1:55 PM
thanks liam vegas.

but when i dragged the image in, its too big.. i tried to pan and crop but its zoom into one portion of the logo. how can i do this? please help... thanks a lot
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/13/2005, 2:09 PM
Track Motion. That is what you need to get into (which is what I stressed before). That allows you to very easily scale down an image and place it wherever you need to.

Do a search for "Track Motion" in the help file.

loverbryant wrote on 2/13/2005, 5:33 PM
wow.... i did it.... amazing... thanks so much. but in the logo, theres a white space i want it to be transparent to the film... how can i do that? i know the help file will show but i dont know what topic to look under the help index. thanks Liam_Vegas!!
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/13/2005, 7:33 PM
Glad you are making progress.

How did you create that Logo? Usually a graphic designer would produce a logo that "needed" areas to be transparent in a format that allowed that transparency to be used. Vegas supports graphic files that include this transparency in them (also called "alpha channel").

If you do have the logo in a form where that "white" area is in fact transparent then the easiest way to make this work is to save the image into a format where that transparency is preserved. That means saving it as PNG, PSD, TGA or even GIF (but NOT JPG - as that does not support alpha channel).

That way... when you load it into Vegas it will be transparent as you require.

If you don't have the logo in a format where it has this transparency information... then your only other option is to use the "Chroma Key" FX to "key out" the white. Problem is... that if you have white in any parts of your logo that you really need to be white... this Chroma Key thing will make all the white area transparent.

You other choice is to use the Bezier Mask feature which you will find in the Pan/Crop tool. This allows you to draw an area on the graphic that you would like to "remove" (i.e. make transparent).
loverbryant wrote on 2/13/2005, 8:13 PM
thanks so much!!! i got it!!!! looks reallie nice....