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Subject:AP 5 Crashes when running plug ins in chain.
Posted by: mortalengines
Date:2/13/2005 3:15:20 PM

Hi, I just experienced my first crash. I had a express FX graphic dynamic plug in my master buss out (as a limiter). To save CPU I tried to send 2 tracks to another buss out with a plug in chain containing an Express FX dyamic compressor & Express FX EQ- it was working fine with the compressor but, as soon as I opened the EQ I got an error message & Acid closed on me. If you need more information, I can try it again but, it closed too fast for me to write the message # down. I have windows XP Pro, an emu 1820m soundcard, a MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard, 512mb RAM, an AMD Athlon 1600 processor. I never had problems like this running effect chains with AP 4.

Subject:RE: AP 5 Crashes when running plug ins in chain.
Reply by: mortalengines
Date:2/13/2005 8:25:27 PM

yep, I just tried it again & sure enough, you can't run Sony's Express FX compression & eq together in a chain - at least not in a buss while the program is playing back. I did successfully install the EQ while the program was not playing back but, I don't remember AP 4 being this temperamental.

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