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Subject:Ugly Remnants
Posted by: Moxx
Date:2/12/2005 7:33:48 AM

Which Ugly Remnants pack is better, 1 or 2.

And which machine language pack is better.


Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: L25
Date:2/12/2005 1:39:53 PM

I have been revisiting MLII, liking the NuSkool Bass and 808 drums. But, if you like either ML or UR loop CD, you will end up wanting the other. If you had to choose, IMO, MLII and URI.

Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: Moxx
Date:2/13/2005 7:24:51 AM

How about if I had to choose just one?

What's IMO?

And does Underground Soundlab sound good with the beats sped up?

Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: L25
Date:2/13/2005 9:35:04 AM

The best thing is to go to the loop library page read the descriptions and listen to the samples.

I like everything from Blip to american piano. I just happened to be perusing the ones you mention including underground sound lab. (Yes it sounds good sped up.) There are some free lukecage this month at the get media site.

IMO = in my opinion


Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: Moxx
Date:2/13/2005 2:03:35 PM

I was trying to decide between all those. Thanks, i'm definately getting it then.

What's lukecage?(sorry if that's a noobish question)


Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: L25
Date:2/13/2005 2:52:09 PM

Lukecage is the producer who made the hip-hop Underground Soundlab loops.

Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: Moxx
Date:2/13/2005 3:03:22 PM

Umm.... so there are some free of him?

Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:2/14/2005 8:50:04 AM

Ugly Remnants is literally a 2-CD set that was split up and sold as a vol. 1 & 2. Like Cinematix 1 & 2. They're very similar. You buy both, you have twice as much.

Subject:RE: Ugly Remnants
Reply by: Moxx
Date:2/14/2005 2:08:53 PM

Oh, and what are the BEST pack(or packs) for making breakbeat and bigbeat?

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