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Subject:Cut to New Track Workflow
Posted by: knowbody
Date:2/12/2005 5:51:27 PM

I have some thoughts about cutting to a new track and wonder what you all think.

1. Ctrl+M creates the new track at the very bottom. I'd prefer it to appear directly under the last track selected in the mix. It's irritating and disrupting to need to go get the new track and put it where it should go especially when you're only cutting up/mixing one track.

2. Make Render as and Render to new track separate. Typically I render a whole song but when rendering to track render the loop region. The number of times I render to track and start rendering the whole song because I unchecked the render to loop box when saving a complete song- or the other way around, only rendering part of a song - Arg! The two processes are distinct in my mind. I realise that the check box is clearly visible but it just doesn't seem intuitive at the moment.. Perhaps have the default set for each one set each time?

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