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Subject:recording the metronome when recording audio
Posted by: androgyne
Date:2/4/2005 4:06:55 PM

Cruel Irony....waited forever to get the metronome feature and now I cant stop recording it!

When I record audio and monitor, I hear the metronome on playback as well as when recording. Want to hear it while recording but dont want to record it. I'm sure this is a simple setting I am missing

Subject:RE: recording the metronome when recording audio
Reply by: pwppch
Date:2/4/2005 4:10:28 PM

What audio hardware are you using?


Subject:RE: recording the metronome when recording audio
Reply by: androgyne
Date:2/4/2005 4:17:14 PM

Delta 410 soundacrd - selecting ANALOG OUT 1/2 as my playback devices and the M-Audio Delta ASIO as my audio device

Subject:RE: recording the metronome when recording audio
Reply by: pwppch
Date:2/4/2005 4:27:27 PM

Sounds like you have your output routed to your input in some way.

The metronome is played through your output, so if you have the 401's mixer some how echoing in the output, you will end up recording that audio.

Note that the metronome is played out of the same hardware port as you have your preview channel on the mixer routed to. You can change the output port that it is played on by setting this to another port.

Explain how you are monitoring you input.


Subject:RE: recording the metronome when recording audio
Reply by: androgyne
Date:2/4/2005 4:32:55 PM

hmmm...this may be a wiring problem. I may have created an unintended loop in my setup by routing my output back into the mixer and then sending it back into the sound card inputs. Will check.
Let me do some investigation - will you continue to mintor this string for the next hour so I can have some fun this weekend?

Subject:RE: recording the metronome when recording audio
Reply by: androgyne
Date:2/4/2005 5:23:53 PM

GOT IT!!! I removed a wiring loop in my sytem. Had the mixer output looped with the sound card output. Thanks fo the tip!
I also realized that I have to remember to turn the metronome OFF when playing back the track I recorded or the playback will trigger the metronome. It's not on the track but you hear it unless you turn it off! Sounds so simple, but it went right over my head Turn it on when recording, turn it off during playback

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