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Subject:CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Posted by: Jay J
Date:1/19/2005 5:24:25 PM

I can't find any configuration information for Sound Forge 7.0b and the CardDeluxe from Digital Audio Labs.

Long and short, I am getting large amounts of DC Offset using the 24-Bit record mode. When set to 24-Bit it requires "try unpacked 24-bit format first", else there will be no recording.

When forcing 16-bit recording, the DC offset is "0" and no recording issues.

Vegas seems to work just fine.

Does anyone use the CardDeluxe and Sound Forge for 24-bit recording, have you seen this issue, or how do you have you "WAVE" preferences set for 24-bit recording with a CardDeluxe?

I have contacted Pete at DAL, yet have gotten no response. Pete H, do you have any suggestions?

Thank You,

Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: kbruff
Date:1/20/2005 8:49:18 AM

"Does anyone use the CardDeluxe and Sound Forge for 24-bit recording, have you seen this issue, or how do you have you "WAVE" preferences set for 24-bit recording with a CardDeluxe?"

Yes I use the card deluxe card, and the DC offset is only noticed when record through the spdif, input. As of now the recording has been superb, but the dc offset issue does exist, I have called Sony and Digital Audio Labs, and they both dont seem to know what the issue cold be. I use the remove dc offset function, and then I satisfied, since the offset could be practicaly viewed as true dc and an rms offset.

"I have contacted Pete at DAL, yet have gotten no response. Pete H, do you have any suggestions?"

--- The only suggestion, I have is to record analog and then remove the offset


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: Jay J
Date:1/20/2005 6:48:48 PM

Thanks for the response.

I probably am not clear. I am trying to record analog. If I use 16-bit (whether or not the DAL dithers), I get 0 DC offset. If I choose 24-bit, I get DC offset, it is better when selecting "try 24-bit unpacked format first", although it still exists.

The DC offset is a lower frequency issue, I use a high pass filter with a large Q at lower frequencies, although the levels of the DC offset I see sometime requires a frequency near 50 Hz which kills the material.

I don't care for the DC offset function, it covers up a problem (I like the HPF approach it seems cleaner).

The Digital SPDIF DC offset is "worse", although can be easily cleaned up with a 30Hz cutoff / 1.4 Q.


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/20/2005 9:19:34 PM

As far as I can tell this is caused by the drivers and Windows' interaction with them.

I will investigate further before the 8.0 release.

If you have any specifics on the settings you are using (and which driver version for the CardDeluxe) that would be helpful.


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: Jay J
Date:1/21/2005 2:42:57 PM

Hi Peter,
Thank You for taking the message. Why do you believe it is a driver windows interaction?

I am using the new drivers, WDM / ASIO Audio Driver (5.10.3508 - RC3), although it occured with the previous driver as well, WDM Audio Driver (5.10.3507 - RC2).

I confirmed it is the same issue in Vegas as in Sound Forge.

Pete Young from DAL suggested he couldn't reproduce yet I don't have much detail of his configuration and if he was using Sony products.

SF Configuration
I am straight up recording at 24-bit, 48kHz in the application. It doesn't matter if I use "try 24bit unpacked" or not the DC offset is present, although it seem to be less with this enabled.

DAL Configuration is default, although it doesn' matter if I force 24-bit via the driver.


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/21/2005 8:42:37 PM

Does it happen in Vegas using ASIO and/or Wave Classic Driver mode?

What if you record through the digital input?

Why a driver issue?
We don't do anything other than "listen" to the input audio. That is, if this was something we did, then we would see it with any audio hardware, not just the DAL.


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: Jay J
Date:1/22/2005 10:27:07 AM

Hi Peter,
With ASIO Driver I get DC offset from 0-3 (-130 db). With the Wave Classic Driver in Vegas I get "0" (-141 db).

If I record at 24-bit through the Digital Input in Sound Forge it is "0" (-141db).

Although if I am recoding audio at 16-bit in Sound Forge it is a clean "0" (0 db) 0 RMS, etc... for all statistics.

Pre-ASIO drivers have similar results. Thanks for your insight and continued help to figure this out.


Subject:RE: CardDeluxe 24 Bit Configuration
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/22/2005 5:39:10 PM

Sounds like the drivers are doing something. We don't do anything but 'capture" what the hardware gives us. We don't do any processing on it (unless you tell us to.)

I would continue your efforts with DAL on this. Have them contact me


if they need some further information.


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