Vegas review

ReneH wrote on 1/5/2005, 9:56 AM
Not sure if this has been posted before, saw another review on Vegas. thought I might pass this along; the reviewer mentioned that Vegas crashed only once during the month he toyed with, I figure it had something to do with his computer sys config settings, trojans, spyware, drivers? i doubt Vegas was the source of the crash.


B.Verlik wrote on 1/5/2005, 1:53 PM
Pretty good. I don't think Vegas has ever crashed on me in the year and a half since I got it and my Computer (P4 2.4) has the dreaded Win ME for an OS.
mrjhands wrote on 1/5/2005, 2:07 PM
Amount of times my Vegas has crashed in the last year=0
Amount of times my Vegas has not wanted to launch cuz
of wow.exec=25-30!

CRASHING isnt the issue; Has the startup thing been properly addressed
and/or responded to by the Sony guyz here in this forum?