Cutting very-noisy-room noise with Vegas 4?

tachyon wrote on 1/2/2005, 10:28 PM
Last week I filmed an event in a building that was so big and echoey that it sounded like being in an airport or something, the constant background noise making it hard to hear what the speakers were saying. Is there some procedure that as a general rule would be good for toning down that kind of background noise without cutting the quality of the speakers' voices as well?

At this point I have zero experience with audio FX other than editing volume envelopes, so the more spelled-out any advice would be the better!


golli wrote on 1/5/2005, 12:24 PM
If you have a Noise Reduction plug-in, you could sample a reverb tail (200-300ms) and use that to reduce the tails in the whole file. You could use a Low-pass filter (in the track EQ) to get rid of theese tails also.

Just a hint to try out.
tachyon wrote on 1/9/2005, 9:39 PM
Thanks, I downloaded the trial version of Noise Reduction 2.0 and am trying it out.