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Subject:Splitting into tracks...
Posted by: nabit
Date:1/4/2005 11:02:37 AM

I am new to sound forge so i am trying to see if it has a certain feature that I need or if i need to purchase another software that will do what I want.

I video tape some friends band and after I DL the info from my camcorder to my pc I rip the music from the video using windows media player..What I want to do after that is split each song into a track instead of having one track of 10 songs that is 45min - 1hr long....Will Sound Forge do this or am I using the wrong program...Please let me know so that I can get all the beneifits of sound forge or buy another program that will do a better job of splitting music into tracks..

Thanks you..

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: rraud
Date:1/4/2005 4:36:41 PM

Yes, but.... Sound Forge can only burn CDs in the "Track-At-Once" mode, so each track will have a 2 after it.
Without re-writing what's already been posted, do a search on this forum for Splitting tracks.
To summarize, Ahead Nero can read SF markers or reigons,.. or buy CD Arc,.. or use the Extract Regions process to split trk.s up and use Roxio, Nero or an other app. that supports DAO.
IN ANY CASE: you will want to burn in "Disc-at-Once" mode to avoid having 2 second breaks between tracks.

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: MJhig
Date:1/4/2005 9:14:16 PM

Ok, that's remove vocals and splitting tracks by 1-04-05, how much longer for blank spaces in my MP3 loops and how do I record my little MIDI keyboard that I play with my mouse in SF 5?

I'll toss 5 bucks in the pool and say we get the loop thing before 02-05-05 and the keyboard one by 07-22-05 (since it applies to an older version), I'm marked down.


Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: good_dog
Date:1/5/2005 5:41:02 PM

Nero can read SF Markers? I didn't know that. So far I've recorded and edited with SF and had to use a different program to split the tracks (CD Wave).
If I put a marker in several places, do I just burn the CD like normal and the tracks are split? If it doesn't to that, what usally is the problem? Thanks, Chris.

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: rraud
Date:1/6/2005 3:38:29 PM

Nero can indeed read Sound Forge markers and regions.
Do a search on this forum (Nero / rraud) for instructions. Maybe I'll find them sooner.
But I'm a lazy F___.
Well I've found it:

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:1/6/2005 4:01:49 PM

"Ok, that's remove vocals and splitting tracks by 1-04-05"

MJ, I think you have a false alarm going off. I think they're asking about CD tracks, not splitting the performance into individual AUDIO tracks. We'll stand by and see how this one plays out though.

This one is on the verge of full vocal removal alarm alert though......standing by, on this one too.

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: MJhig
Date:1/6/2005 4:32:38 PM

MJ, I think you have a false alarm going off. I think they're asking about CD tracks, not splitting the performance into individual AUDIO tracks. We'll stand by and see how this one plays out though.

I'm with you there Red, I knew it was CD tracks the OP was talking about. It's a question I've answered many times (some with lengthy steps) and others too. I put it in the "did not search the forum" category along with the DAO/TAO why am I getting gaps between my tracks question or I get one big file when I put markers at each song.


Here's some by doing a quick search for MJhig + splitting tracks, there are others under different ways to ask the question, using search terms such as vinyl and CD Text will garner more though I wouldn't someone looking to split tracks to think of those terms;

Here's one of the step by steps, not just a "search the forum" post;


<sniped for brevity>

If there is no blank space between songs;

Place the cursor at the start of the audio in the file.

Press "m" to insert a marker.

Press the spacebar to start playback.

Press "m" again at the crossfade location to insert another marker. Repeat to the end.

Click Special > Regions List > Markers to Regions, when prompted click yes or ok.
In the Regions List window highlight a region click enter to edit name.

Click tools > Extract Regions and save them to a folder and burn them all in your burning software using DAO (disk at once) to prevent spaces between tracks.

If you have blank space to eliminate between songs;

Press "[" at the start of the song.

Press spacebar to start playback.

Press "]" at the end.

Press "r" to create region and name it.

Repeat to the end.

Click tools > Extract Regions and save them to a folder and burn them all in your burning software using DAO (disk at once).

Sorry for the edits, this is a C&P of a previous post and had to adapt it.



I forgot all about splitting instruments to separate tracks question, thanks for reminding me. I'll say the third week in March for that one in the pool.

You may be right on the "Vocals" post, I'm not sure if it's that "can I make me sound like Madonna" question or can I sing over a commercial track and change the singer to me... kind of a new twist on the karaoke theme... monitoring that one here too...


Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:1/7/2005 6:43:46 AM

I understand. I didn't realize the splitting tracks one creped up the FAQ charts, although I know I've seen it quite a few times. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen the SF piano keyboard question in quite awhile. So basically what where looking for is:

1. How do I remove vocals from a mixed song, or 1 of the thousand other itterations of that same question?

2. Why does SF add silence to my MP3 loop?

3. How do I break a long file into seperate CD tracks?

Ok, I'm gonna go with mid February and we'll see all three

I'm gonna go see if I can help this one come out of the closet and expose itself as a #1.

Subject:RE: Splitting into tracks...
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:1/7/2005 7:09:20 AM

Personally i'm still fond of the "DC offset destroying the planet" thread. ;)

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