Effects and Video Titlers

carrspaints wrote on 12/29/2004, 4:46 AM
Hi and Happy Xmas everyone. I'm looking for some advice, if anyone can help. I'm using Sony Vegas 5b but am finding that the effects and video titlers are not as fancy as I'd like them to be (probably because I'm fairly new to video editing and Sony Vegas and don't fully appreciate how to use Sony Vegas, which so far is brillinat for everything else)

I'm looking into 3rd party software that would allow me to generate effects and titles that are compatible with Sony Vegas 5b. I have downloaded the trial version of Heroglyph ProDad that has allowed me to make some fancy titles. Does anyone know of any other software that will provide high class, professional looking effects and video titles? Has anyone else had experience with Heroglyph?

I understand that my question probably has a million answers but I'm desperate for something that will enable me to produce top notch edited video - I have my companies anual sales conference coming up and have been tasked at recording this with my Canon XM2 and editing into a distributable DVD. Thanks in advance.


taliesin wrote on 12/29/2004, 5:10 AM
For FX: Boris Red and Wax (Wax is freeware available at www.debugmode.com).

To Heroglyph: I use it sometimes. Testing version 2.0 now.

Jameson_Prod wrote on 12/29/2004, 7:58 PM
Programs to look into that start at around $50........

Cool 3D Production Studio
Cayman Graphics

All good...all usable with Vegas.
Spot|DSE wrote on 12/29/2004, 8:15 PM
The Cayman Graphics folks recently updated their graphics package, and it opens up straight in Vegas as a Media Generator. I've started using it fairly extensively. It's not the best interface in terms of looks, but it's by far the easiest, fastest and cleanest.
I also like Swish for some stuff as well.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 12/29/2004, 8:22 PM
I found that for $42.00 Bluff Titler has allowed me to produce 3D text with lighting in just 3-5 minutes per title and very easy to work with after only a couple of hours or so of fiddling. HOWEVER, the three controls used to make adjustments aren't labeld and they are different for different selections. The tool is still pretty good in my book, and for only $42.00, I can't even beat the productivity it provides me. SERIOUSLY, I was blown away at how I can make all the titles I need in no more than a half an hour to an hour for all my stuff. plus I can produce any res, I want I.E. SD, HD, whatever.
thomaskay wrote on 12/29/2004, 9:48 PM
Can you do the same thing with Flash that you can with Swish? I guess I'm a little confused as to what Swish does. Is it just an easier way to do Flash?
Steve Mann wrote on 12/29/2004, 9:51 PM
Swish is Flash for Dummies. Just my speed. Or more specifically, I can afford Swish, but a kilobuck for Dreamweaver is a bit too much.