
allenz wrote on 12/20/2004, 7:27 PM
Try defragging your computer HD's. then it should work.
minna415 wrote on 12/20/2004, 7:39 PM
I've noticed on doing a search in the forums, other people have had this problem come up before too, but no certain person has come up with reason why it happens - or what to do about it. One person got lucky by switching something off, not much of a solution. I will try defragging the hard drive, got a feeling its not gonna be that simple.
Any more tips?
mgolfguy wrote on 12/20/2004, 7:52 PM
I was just going to make that same post. I just got the error message and came to the forums to find a solution! Hope someone helps us both out. I will try to defrag as well.
GaryKleiner wrote on 12/21/2004, 12:12 AM
Usually, this error is because of lack of available disk space. Check both your detination drive and especially where your temp files are being written.

minna415 wrote on 12/21/2004, 1:13 AM
I dont think its that in this case. got 37gigs of space. its got to be something else. with Vegas - its always something else.
Grazie wrote on 12/21/2004, 1:27 AM
Maybe you've got 37gbs but, if you haven't defragged, I bet you haven't got 37gigs of contiguous space.

This really is needed for sweet rendereing processes - PTT is just such a type of render process - it needs a pure stream of dv. Just think of our HD trying to match the demands of t your veags if the rendereded file is all over the place, to start with! How big is your project? 37gbs is longish, but it isn't that long - consdering the gig<>min ratios.

If you haven't rendered the file ready for PTT then that is one fence to jump. If you have rendered your file ready for PTT then Vegas has to locate where each piece is - that's another fence. If you HAVEN'T renedered anything then PTT will render that project, and put it anywhere it can. Now you've got rendered bits and pieces all over the shop .. 37gbs? What size HD? I try and stay not less than 1/3 of HD available .. . sometimes I do creep past this. But then I quickly do some boring housekeeping.

Best regards,

mgolfguy wrote on 12/21/2004, 6:46 AM
Just wanted to say thank you for you suggestions. It worked for me. I defragged my drive last night and this morning printed to tape on the first try.
Thanks again for your help!

Grazie wrote on 12/21/2004, 6:56 AM
Yaaahhhooo It Lives! It Lives! . . aint it a lovely feeling .. when stuff works in the way it is supposed to do? I just love it . . .REeeeallly pleased it is working for you. ..

Yeah, Defrag? Boring as it is, can be the answer to many a Maiden's Prays when PTT aint getting the plot . . or something like that . .. he he he . ..

ANOTHER way I do it - defrag - is to have enough surplus Real Estate to copy over a whole HD to another Defrgaged HD and then just copy back! Easy! Done! . . . Tmes saving? well I guess there was the last time I did it. But, yer know what? You get that smug warm feeling that all yer stuff is aranged nicely and tightly .. OOooohhh don't yer just love nice neat tight packages? . . . hey ho . .. 30 years ago .. .
