Subject:Acid 5 Academic Pricing
Posted by: David_Casas
Date:12/8/2004 10:20:24 AM
Does anyone know of any company that already has Acid 5 with academic pricing? I've tried quite a few and they still have Acid 4 with a promise that Sony will upgrade me for free through a Sony website that as of yet no one can find. Thanks for the help. David |
Subject:RE: Acid 5 Academic Pricing
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:12/8/2004 4:18:40 PM
Call academic superstore (1-800-817-2347) and see if they can get it. I also believe does academic pricing. |
Subject:RE: Acid 5 Academic Pricing
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:12/12/2004 2:17:37 PM
Or click on the Resellers link above this message to get a list of Academic Resellers. |
Subject:RE: Acid 5 Academic Pricing
Reply by: dwhopson
Date:12/12/2004 7:33:49 PM
FYI, Academic outlets seem to have a lag-time of up to several months between the release of a new sony product and it's actual availibility to the educational market at academic pricing. I've found this out the hard way with every new piece of sony software that I have purchased for both myself and my university. For a while, I didn't think I was every going to get Vegas 5 at academic pricing. Supposedly it has something to do with packaging and bundling......and it seems that educational/academic sales are not as high a priority, since a majority of the sales of most products will be to the general public. I guess this makes sense from a business perspective. But hey, sony usually throws in some decent bonus software with the academic verson, so I don't mind waiting. dwh |