Need help installing AC-3

burchis wrote on 12/10/2004, 6:15 AM
I recently built a new NLE system from the ground up. New hard drives, motherboard, etc. I also upgraded my registered copy of VV4 suite, which includes VV4.0, DVD+1, & AC-3, to Sony's V5.0 suite which also inclcudes DVD+2 and AC-3. However after installing this new upgrade of V5.0 on my new system, I am not able to use the AC-3 encoder. A popup box is wanting me to enter S/N or purchase license. I'm assuming that since I didn't have v4.0 on this system prior to installing v5.0 the license is not known.

Can anyone advise what steps to do to get the AC-3 encoder to work without having to uninstall v5, install v4, and then upgrade to v5?



prairiedogpics wrote on 12/10/2004, 6:24 AM
I had the exact same problem.
The solution for me was to re-install DVDA-2.
I ended up calling Sony in Madison to finally get to the solution, and was told that they occasionally see this problem. Like I said, re-installing DVDA-2 re-registered the AC-3 "module".

burchis wrote on 12/10/2004, 6:35 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, I don't use DVD+2 and therefore didn't install the program. I will however if this is the only way to get the AC-3 encoder to work. Hopefully someone else will post a work around for me.
ScottW wrote on 12/10/2004, 6:46 AM
The AC3 encoder is part of DVDA - you have no option but to install and register DVDA if you want access to AC3 encoding.
