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Subject:extract-n-burn workflow
Posted by: L25
Date:11/26/2004 2:13:50 PM

Is there a way to extract all cd tracks and then burn DAO in Vegas in one fell swoop without having to insert CD track regions?

In SF7 I tried to extract audio and choose "read entire disc" and "create regions for each track" and "create markers for each index change". These event markers show up in vegas but not so that I can do a DAO (what is this option for?). Seems I need to do a "read by track" and then in Vegas "insert CD track regions" before the DAO burn?

Am I doing something wrong or is this a crippled function to make it harder to copy commercial cds? (Obviously I have not copied alot of cd's before)



Subject:RE: extract-n-burn workflow
Reply by: MJhig
Date:11/26/2004 5:56:09 PM

Sound Forge can only burn TOA (Track At Once) which is basically useless. It can't be read by many CD players.

Read the CD burning section in Vegas' help, you can at least burn DOA (Disk At Once) readable by CD players but of course no Sony app. supports CD Text. You will at least be closer to what you are attempting.


Subject:RE: extract-n-burn workflow
Reply by: L25
Date:11/27/2004 9:35:55 AM

It takes me about 15 minutes to extract in SF, save each wave file, then paste the files in vegas and then create the audio CD track regions and burn. Is there a faster/easier way with SF and Vegas?

I seem to recall watching someone on a mac, with 2 cd drives put the source cd in one drive, a blank in the other. One click, walk away and its done, cd text and all. I don't need this, but what PC software will do this?



Subject:RE: extract-n-burn workflow
Reply by: Sonic
Date:11/29/2004 8:35:38 AM

There are several tools that have a "duplicate disc" function, no need to rip and burn unless you want to mix stuff up. I know Easy CD has had this for a long time. I imagine most dedicated burning software has it.


Subject:RE: extract-n-burn workflow
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:11/29/2004 8:45:40 AM

Nero definately has this feature. With a 52x reader and a 24x burner i can copy a 60 minute audio CD in about 4 minutes or less. Of course, all you'll get is an exactly duplicate with no chance of changing anything.

On the other hand, to make sure my CDs are compatible with as many players as possible i usually burn at 4x, so copying would take about 17 minutes. It's still pretty much a load and two-click operation though.

Subject:RE: extract-n-burn workflow
Reply by: L25
Date:11/29/2004 8:54:48 PM

Thanks for the feedback. After reading your posts I realized that my hp dvd200i came with hp CD burning software that duplicates discs and copies cd text. I am a bit embarrassed, I have had this for quite a while and never used it.


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