
BJ_M wrote on 11/19/2004, 9:55 AM
i can try .... but it may be a lost cause
BJ_M wrote on 11/19/2004, 10:33 AM
closest thing is to convert them to 16bit tiff files , float and log files do not work in vegas, bluefish, blackmagic all do (but are very slow and only 10 bit anyway)

a 1080 16 bit tiff file is 32meg per frame .. and certainly high quality and 4 billion colors .. I used no compression , but zip pack compression also works, but slows down vegas.

oddly enough -- the plugin pack frame server almost works in dfx fusion ..

BJ_M wrote on 11/19/2004, 10:54 AM
Bluefish444’s 64 bit uncompressed 10 bit YUV QuickTime v210 codec works very well also in vegas ..
all the BOXX and Blackmagic codecs do also .. 16bit IFF files do not ..