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Subject:Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Posted by: jumbuk
Date:11/14/2004 1:43:15 PM

I have posted this to Sony as a support message. Posting it here as well to ask if anyone else had this problem?

In the Acid 5.0 track edit window, the RH side has special (non-standard WinXP) scroll bars, with "magnifying glass" icons to zoom in and out of the track view. The problem: every now and then, the horizontal scroll bar will be replaced by a black bar. The icons may well still be there, but they are invisible because the whole bar is black. The vertical scroll bar doesn't go black, but the icons are converted to "+" and "-" symbols. The condition persists after a close and restart of the application. There is a way to fix the problem: switch to the desktop, open the desktop display properties dialog, and change the desktop colour (to any other colour). As soon as you "Apply" the change, the Acid pro 5.0 GUI is fixed ... until next time.

I don't know if this is relevant: when I installed Acid Pro 5.0, my desktop colour was black. Also, this problem does not occur with Acid Pro 4.0 or 3.0.

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/14/2004 5:37:44 PM

Might want to try to update your video card's drivers (if you haven't updated them yet). You could also try reducing or turning off video acceleration to see if the problem persists. (Try F5 to refresh the track view too.)

Are there any conditions for this problem to occur? (Does it happen, for example, when you resize a window?)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
Pre-order Instant ACID
My ACIDplanet Page
Guitars 4 Kids

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:11/15/2004 4:56:09 AM

Of course, that bit about the magnifying glasses is wrong - they are + and - in Acid! I was thinking of SF.

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:11/17/2004 4:55:29 AM

Just discovered what is causing this. If I turn off "Use Windows themes" in Preferences, the problem doesn't occur.

Also, a related problem - the checkboxes in the VST plugin list and the Rewire device list were disappearing - now they are back.

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: _zerobae
Date:11/17/2004 6:36:02 AM


is it generally better to turn off video acceleration on computers running Acid?

Zerobae | Enchanting Electronic Music

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:11/17/2004 10:27:26 AM


I also have some video issues, When clicking the time slider to lower the bpm, I get flashing of any tracks that are in the track view, also when Media Manager is docked next to Mixer, the preview slider for volume disappears and I have to drag the center devider left then right to get it to reappear. I have a Radeon 9600 Pro w/ the latest drivers. One other thing is in explorer the highlighted folder becomes unhighlighted after clicking on a wave file to preview, and last night I was previewing a file in explorer, and switched to MM view and the previewed file kept playing even after changing views.

See ya, Rockitglider

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/17/2004 6:17:52 PM

is it generally better to turn off video acceleration on computers running Acid?

Generally, turning off video acceleration is a standard troubleshooting step to find out if it's video that's causing the problem. Based upon jumbuk's post, it sounds like a Windows theme issue.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
Pre-order Instant ACID
My ACIDplanet Page
Guitars 4 Kids

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/18/2004 6:14:35 AM

I run XP in standard windows theme mode. Can you give a step-by-step of reproducing this problem?

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:11/18/2004 8:31:30 AM


I don't want to have to turn down the video accelleration, there must be something Sony can do to fix the problem instead of us having to adjust the settings in our computers. I don't have the problem in other sound apps. My system is very capable. I don't mind doing temp fixes, but I think it should still be addressed.


Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/18/2004 2:39:17 PM

I agree if there's a problem then it should be addressed. If you truly want to have your problem addressed then take the time to give a step-by-step repro of what you where doing when the problem occured. You already spent the time describing what you are seeing. This tells Sony very little. They need to be able to reproduce your problem and then observe what you are describing. From there they can further trouble shoot and fix the problem for an update release.

I am an engineer and work in the development of products that have software in them. Part of my job is finding problems and narrowing down the steps to reproduce the problem, so that I can give the steps to the software design engineer, so they can further investigate the problem and focus in on the problem area, so that it can get fixed. I do the same thing whenever I beta test for the Sony engineers. If I describe a problem that I saw and give no information as to what I was doing when the problem occurs, the software engineer sometimes has an idea of what MIGHT be causing that issue......but if they get the exact steps that took place, their certainty drastically increases of where the problem is. They can further repro your steps and be 100% sure what is the problem.

Unfortunately, this is the world of software we live in and not everything works perfectly on the first release. If you want to make sure, the problems you're experiencing get fixed, then give some step-by-steps and try to elliminate unnecessary steps in recreating the problem. This makes Sony's job much easier, in that they don't have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you where doing when the problem occured and they can jump to focusing in on fixing the problem. I've been doing this type of feedback for the last 7 years of using Sonic Foundry/Sony software and the problems I've reported have always gotten fixed within the next update after giving this type of detail.

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:11/18/2004 3:09:01 PM


To reproduce, Acid opens, put a track in the track view and click on the time slider slot to change time by even increments and the tracks flash. And with the Media Manager selected on the left docking area if the devider deviding the two docking ares is too far to the right it covers the preview volume slider, this is with surround mixer showing in the right side. The last one doesn't matter, it's probly supposed to be that way.

See ya, Rockitglider

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: Mampi
Date:12/1/2004 11:51:50 AM

i have the same ''blackbar'' problem :(

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: billybk
Date:12/1/2004 1:27:41 PM

"When clicking the time slider to lower the bpm, I get flashing of any tracks that are in the track view"

Are you talking about the Track List? If yes, then that is normal. Same thing happens in ACID 4. If you left click, to the left or right of the Tempo Slider bar, and then hold it, you will see the Track List changes to let you know how much % wise, plus or minus, you are stretching the tracks, as you increase or decrease the tempo. When you repeatedly click, it will flash on and off. If it is the actual clips in the Timeline that are repeatedly flashing, then that is not normal and I do not see that behavior, on my screen.

"when Media Manager is docked next to Mixer, the preview slider for volume disappears and I have to drag the center devider left then right to get it to reappear."

I have not seen this behavior either, but then again, I always keep my Plugin Manager docked next to the Preview Slider.

"In explorer the highlighted folder becomes unhighlighted after clicking on a wave file to preview."

I don't know if this is a bug, it does the same thing in ACID 4f.

"I was previewing a file in explorer, and switched to MM view and the previewed file kept playing even after changing views."

This has happened to me. I am not sure if this is a bug or by design. I mean you have two separate loop preview windows open and both can auto preview. Might be best to manually stop the preview in one, before you move to the other. Changing views does not automatically stop the loop preview, it never has, not in ACID 4. A loop will keep previewing, from the Loop Explorer Preview, even after you change views. I have even minimized the ACID screen and opened up another app it and it will keep playing, until you manually stop it or click back in the Loop Preview screen. I sorta like that feature :)

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: Acid pro 5.0 GUI bug report
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:12/1/2004 2:59:00 PM

Good! Post it as an email support question so that Sony know it wasn't just me.

I got rid of it by turning off "Windows themes support" in preferences.

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