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Subject:FM7 midi (soft syn) recording.
Posted by: sujaram
Date:11/12/2004 7:17:20 AM


can anybody tell me how will record the sound from NI's FM7 Express midi player software output that was bundled with Acid Pro 5. I could see the midi keyboard on the screen, when I press record, the keyboard is disabled. I am not able to send sound to Acid Pro.

Any help is appreciated.


Subject:RE: FM7 midi (soft syn) recording.
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/12/2004 9:13:54 AM

ACID does not "record" the audio or the MIDI from a softsynth directly. To record for use with the FM7 you need and external MIDI keyboard to send MIDI data (note on/off, etc) to ACID. ACID will record this, and permit you to route or "thru" the live MIDI stream to the FM7. After you record the MIDI track that gets created will then playback using the FM7.


Subject:RE: FM7 midi (soft syn) recording.
Reply by: sujaram
Date:11/12/2004 4:44:08 PM

Hi Peter,

Is there any software keyboard that work with Acid Pro 5. I would appreciate your help. Doest that mean the FM7,B4 and PRO 53 express, all of them need a physical keyboard to work with them. Sorry to be silly, I am not an expert in this area. Also if you can show me some sites of basic information on this. It would be helpful.

Another question is, when I insert "Insert Softsynth", Acid 5 displays the list of B4,FM&,Pro53 in a list. Clicking on it displays the keyboard with in Acid at the bottom explorer area. When Playing the keys it works, but while recording, the keys wont play. Does it the correct behavior of the software? Sorry to ask silly questions as am new to this midi area.


Subject:RE: FM7 midi (soft syn) recording.
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/12/2004 6:06:02 PM

Your second question first: Yes, this is the correct behavior. ACID has a 'modal' recording interface. This means that you can't do anything with the rest of the app user interface while the record dilaog is active.

There may be software only keyboards available that can be configured to work like an external keyboard that ACID can used. I am not aware of any specific ones.

You will need some source of MIDI input to "record" the synths live.

The alternative is to use the piano roll editor to 'paint' MIDI data or the step entry editor to "record" some MIDI. These tools are documented in the help file and the ACID pdf file.

There are hundreds of sources for information on MIDI out on the web. There many books also available that can help you out with MIDI.


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